So mr mac and I split up today. He's always been quite distant, we've never really had a physical relationship and I've been very frustrated and lonely over the years - some of which is medical and some down to his upbringing. I have been getting closer to a guy from work of late (nothing has happened) and his partner (who is also a colleague) found a text message from me saying I missed him. She has told all of my colleagues and bosses including mr mac. I can't say I blame her really but it's been a horrible day. Not expecting any sympathy - just saying.
Karen, I am so sorry to hear this. It must be a horrendous time for you.
You are a strong person who has dealt with a terrific amount of stuff over the years and you WILL come through it.
It is now YOUR turn for some time in the sun xx
Karen - this may be a step to far - but I left altogether. New job, new town. It meant that for a while, while I was repairing, I could be who I wanted to be at that moment - my history and his didn't follow me about, as it would have if I'd stayed put and just moved out. Might not suit you, but it was the right thing for me. Big hugs ♥
Karen...always sad when a marriage breaks down....however don't beat yourself up....take a deep breath and think ahead...don't commit yourself too soon..have some time and space for yourself......onwards and looking ifs or buts....good luck hunni xxx
Karen, I have been in a similar situation and although it broke my heart to walk away, it has been the right decision. You too will reach there , Good luck xxx
Sorry to hear that.... when I split from someone in the past, the one thing I focused on 'this time next year, I won't be feeling like this'.... that's all I had at that point but it helped. You'll be right lady, all this will pass.
Karen I'm so sorry (and shocked). I tend to think all's fair in love and war and most importantly you only have one life. I know you haven't done this but I got together with my partner at work and he was married. The gossip and looks were awful but it doesn't last long before they move onto something else. You'll feel like broccoli for a while but you have a new opening waiting for you and you will get there.
Well Karen I never married but have loads of friends who have married and are now divorced - I was with them both times (mean marriage and single) they have remained single - they all took it very badly and particularly one who was riddled with guilt as her husband was beginning to turn blind due to kidney problems so she felt so bad. Anyway from myself the 3rd party looking in and you sorta think you have feelings for the other guy - please don't jump in there - give yourself time to be just YOU. It is a lonely life when you are single but after a period of time you adjust and it is lovely to be able to do what and when you want. Good luck. Each day will get better!
Sqad....please don't be too cynical and tar us all with the same brush. My sympathy for Karen comes from understanding the position she is in not because she's female.
I think enough of the men I know to afford them the same sympathy I do Karen were they in her position. I hope my judgments, if I have the right to have any, are based on circumstance and not gender.
I can't offer any constructive help, but would just like to say it seems like you have got a lot of sympathy from people on here, myself included and you sound like a very nice person. I hope you feel better soon and things work out well for you. xx
Hold your head up Karen an keep your dignity. If nothing has happened then you have nothing to feel bad about. What is wrong with telling another person that you miss them? Human nature.
Best of luck for the future.
Thank you to everyone for your kind words. Today has been a better day than yesterday - I only cried for about half of it! I had to go to work but the staff on today are lovely and they looked after me, gave me peptalks, hugs, tea and sympathy, and one of my bosses came out to talk and make sure I was ok. So it went much better than I'd hoped for. One step at a time...x