<<<Any man who is confusing the two is on seriously dangerous ground, and is displaying a lack of understanding that is worrying in this day and age.<<<
Yes I agree, but it is no that black and white in my opinion, as the woman who changes her mind during penetration and during a fantasy.
<<<That is several words away from actual rape, which is not sex, it is robbery with violence, and has to do with power and control. <<<<
Yes, we all realise this.....but again we are discussing "fantasies"
<<<Of course, the man is an expert, firm but not rough, anf genlt and giving when required as the fantasy progresses. <<<
Maybe....maybe......but not in my experience of life, discussions and readings, as many women fantasise about domination, roughness, violence and rape (the true definition)
We have been discussing fantasies......NOT ..reality to which your post above mainly my opinion.