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Onwards and Downwards July 2012

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AB Editor | 12:47 Fri 29th Jun 2012 | Weight Loss & Dieting
149 Answers
Onwards and Downwards Continues in July

Welcome to July's Onwards and Downwards where we offer support and good feelings for those who are trying to shift a few pounds. We are not experts we just offer our own personal experience.

All who are serious about trying to loose weight are welcome.

We tend to have a weekly weigh in on Wednesday and we don't judge.

Here is last months thread


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If you post in the wrong place then you can't do a lot about it, it's there to embarrass you forever. Although you can try reporting your own post. Sometimes the admin take pity and delete it.

After a week of up and down and up and down, this morning it registers ⅛lbs down over the week.

As seems to be always the case, overeat and next day weight is down, undereat and next day it is up.
Well done Wendilla and OG. So far so good this Wed.
Well done xstitcher, wendilla and OG. Sorry wasn't about to post last week but I stayed the same. Happy to say have lost 3lb this week so no naughty step for me either.
That is a really big loss Jan. Well done you!
Naughty step clear of me too this week. I have lost 2lbs and back on track.
I have been careful to avoid high calorie but healthy looking things this week, like smoothies and other fruit drinks. Water from now on!
That's a good loss Maidup. Haven't we all been good this week !!!
Hi everyone. Thanks for the warm welcome. I've lost 2 1/2 this week despite a weekend of celebrations so I'm really pleased. I've made sure that there are no biscuits, sweets and chocolate in the house which are my weakness. Plenty of fruit and salad to snack on if necessary, but honestly haven't wanted to spoil things this week. Hope it lasts. :)
You're doing well Kacee. Wendilla and I have found out that if it's in the house it is eaten so nothing that can tempt us from the straight and narrow comes home with us unless absolutly necessary. Salads are good but fruits you have to be careful with. Citrus fruits are good. They should be eaten with meals....something about the way they break down, but I'm not getting into that as I know next to nothing about it.
Happy days! Lost one pound. Hopefully I can keep it up. Congratulations to e very one else who has lost this week.
Thanks xstitcher and well done Maidup, Kacee and spotit. All our halos are shining this week. :-)
Well done all . Let's all stay away from that naughty step for next week and after.
Wow! Looks like everyone has done well this week! Down 1.5lbs myself so no naughty step for me either (can't find the half thing on the iPad!)
Morning all and well done to all who have gone onwards and downwards.

I lost 2lbs last week so thats 4lb since I started 2 weeks ago. I went to a BBQ yesterday but I made sure I left plenty of calories for it. All I had was some special k in the morning and nothing else until the BBQ. Luckily I didn't feel hungry inbetween :o)
What wonderful willpower you have Tigger. I was out for dinner on Friday and since it was my birthday I had a dessert, but I needn't have worried...the portion was so small that my conscience was fine with it.
Well done with your loss. We have really done well this week.
Happy Birthday for Friday xstitcher, glad you had a good meal.

I've had rather too many good meals this weekend as we've been out and about but I'm hoping that three days of ryvitas and lettuce will put me back on course in time for Wednesday!
I had a dessert too yesterday. My aunt made a sponge cake with whipped cream and strawberries, raspberries and blueberries on it. I could hardly refuse that! ;o) Mind you, I only had a small piece of it and topped the rest of my plate up with fruit salad.

Happy birthday from me too Xstitcher xxx
Ah gee, thank you Tigger.
Thank you too Maidup....gosh ryvitas and lettuce....I do hope that you are kidding.....
I had a big slice of fruit cake well buttered yesterday. Well, it was sitting in the bread cupboard looking at me pitifully, having been ignored all week! What was a girl to do?
Spotit3 Shall I dust the naughty step for you .

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