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Onwards and Downwards July 2012

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AB Editor | 12:47 Fri 29th Jun 2012 | Weight Loss & Dieting
149 Answers
Onwards and Downwards Continues in July

Welcome to July's Onwards and Downwards where we offer support and good feelings for those who are trying to shift a few pounds. We are not experts we just offer our own personal experience.

All who are serious about trying to loose weight are welcome.

We tend to have a weekly weigh in on Wednesday and we don't judge.

Here is last months thread


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It's good salad weather! My husband has requested a casserole tonight, but it's just too hot for that, for me.
Well done all you losers! Only half a pound for me this week, but that's three weeks in a row of losing which is rare. I totally agree with spotit about staying the same or a small gain. We're all here because whatever happens we still keep trying. Here's to a good week for everyone
Well said Sheenamf and a big yes to salads Kacee. The salad veggies taste so good at this time of the year and there are so many variations on the lettuces.
It was at this time 2 years ago I began to back slide and oh boy did I do it well...put on all I had lost and then some over a period of time. Now it is coming off ever so slowly. It seems that the will to loose 2 lbs a week has completely disappeared but without each and every one of you I doubt if I could do it at all.
You can and will do it, xstitcher. Positivity is the key, that and loads of support.
Well done losers but afraid I am back on the naughty step with a 2lb gain! At least I know why, too much alcohol and went out for a curry with friends, but I enjoyed it so not too upset. Got a very hectic weekend as well so not expecting too much next week but will try to be good and will keep wobbling despite the heat.
A good thought Jan is that as we loose the heat doesn't bother us so much....of course you must enjoy your friends and I know you will get rid of that 2 lbs...onwards and downwards....
Well done Kacee.
Sheenamf don't say only . I/2 LB it proves you were trying.

Jan you know that you will get back on track.

Can't add anymore to what x stitcher has said.
Well done to you all, as you've all done better than me. I've been away to visit family for nine days and put on three and a half pounds. I didn't think I was eating that much. I also didn't have my hot water and lemon while I was away, so I'll get back to that tomorrow.
Welcome back notafish. Join Jan and I on the naughty step and we'll be back on track in no time. Lets buy ourselves a bunch of flowers if we've lost a pound by Wednesday eh? We can do it, its only Thursday now.
These families seem to be our downfall lately. Nevermind, you are an old hand at this notafish so you'll get back on track, but I know the feeling of seeing that dial go in the wrong direction or the digital numbers going up instead of down so you have my sympathies, especially when you thought that you were doing the right things. Onwards and downwards..........
Thank you Maidup and Xstitcher for your support. I will buy myself some flowers if I've lost a pound by Wednesday :-). I wonder if Jif lemon will be as good as fresh lemon in my hot water, it'll be more convenient. What do you think?
It can't hurt so give it a try and let us know....
Well done everyone who has lost. I'm sure you'll be off the naughty step soon Jan :o)

I've lost 2 lbs this week :o)))))
Well done Tigger.
Notafish I am sure you will rectify it. Don't aim to try and do it all in one week as it will go back on twice as fast if you slip up again. Good luck for wed.
It's just lemon juice and sodium metabisulfite notafish, so my guess would be that it should be ok. If you find it is ok, maybe we can all use it in the summer in our tea ;-)

That said when I used to make wine, and used sodium metabisulfite to clean the equipment, it used to give off sulphur dioxide, which got right up my nose !
:-) thanks all. I'll try the Jif and let you know.
All this lemon talk made me remember that I drink lemon in my tea all day every day....what is it supposed to be good for??
I'm not entirely sure. I know hot water is good first thing in the morning for clearing your system. The lemon is helping me curb my sweet tooth. Wendilla says it also breaks down fat, I think.
Hi I did read that lemon juice helps to break down fat but I swear my unsweetened grapefruit juice and that has been proven to help break down body fat. I don't like lemon juice.
Lemon juice is one of many foods touted by fad diet proponents to burn body fat. Lemon juice is a feature of popular liquid fasts and other diets that purport to put you on the fast track to weight loss, as is cider vinegar, grapefruit and cabbage soup. However, if you can't seem to find the perfect fat-burning food, there's a reason: No such thing exists, advises the American Council on Exercise.

Read more: http://www.livestrong...rn-fat/#ixzz21wIfdu3e

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