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Onwards and Downwards July 2012

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AB Editor | 12:47 Fri 29th Jun 2012 | Weight Loss & Dieting
149 Answers
Onwards and Downwards Continues in July

Welcome to July's Onwards and Downwards where we offer support and good feelings for those who are trying to shift a few pounds. We are not experts we just offer our own personal experience.

All who are serious about trying to loose weight are welcome.

We tend to have a weekly weigh in on Wednesday and we don't judge.

Here is last months thread


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I may be joining you .
Can you make room for me, please? Sunny Sunday led to BBQ with lots of wine.
Not sure, Wendilla, trying to be very good today to make up for it. Walked three miles with the dog this morning, in the rain! Was going to walk again this afternoon but rain hasn't let up any so will give it a miss. Hope none of you are on the naughty step either.
Where are you Spotit it is glorious sunshine here and hot.
Kiki BBQ'S are a killer .They add to much wine in the water. lol
I went up to our local supermarket this morning and they had just took through that crusty bagettes and the smell of them followed me right round the shop. Guess what I am having for lunch with cheese and onion.
Oh you sinners all of you.....I haven't been to the shops since Thurs so my halo is firmly in place ha wouldn't be if I had had my way today....knowing you Wendilla, you won't put on any weight and my just thinking of what the rest of you have been eating will give me at least 1 pound.....
I am in Northern Ireland, Wendilla and thank goodness it has cut all dried up now.
I felt so guilty when I bought that pack of bagettes. I have put them in my freezer. Ryvita and laughing cow cheese was a better option as it is too near Wednesday.
Sunny and hot here in Leicestershire.
Good for you, Wendilla. Plenty of willpower there. Hope you lose lots on wednesday.
Realised I won't be in a position to weigh myself tomorrow I'll confess to a 2lb loss over the last 7 days, a day early.

Well done to all from last week.
Wow, well done OG. That is quite a respectable loss.
And if I am honest no obvious reason why it should have gone this past week and not in previous weeks. Indeed I made the cardinal sin of treating my self to a packet of pork scratchings Saturday which I've not had for, well ages and ages. Not that the packet had any nutritional information so I guess it must have been about 10 calories and zero saturated fat.

One explanation, now I check the record more closely, might be that last Tuesday weighing was unexpectedly high. It could be a more believable loss is about half that. Still it was in the right direction anyway.
Good Morning All,

I've stayed the same this week. It's too hot to do my exercises so that may have something to do with it. hmmmm.

Onwards and downwards
Oh my! Sighing....

1lb up again this week and off to the naughty step. I had a week off work and spent time away and with family which made it a great time but a really difficult week. In a way I should be pleased its only a pound.

I hope I don't see any of you following me; back to the plot now and onward and downward.
I too also have stayed the same which I expected. Good for u x stitcher in no gain. My excuse is not eating enough of proper meals this week and drinking more and I don't mean spirits.

Maidup it is difficult when with family but you are doing the right thing by confessing here and getting back on track.
Well done OG. Wendilla and xstitcher at least you haven't gained any. Maidup, you lost 2 lbs last week so can be forgiven this week especially if you had a lot of family about. Makes it difficult to stick to any sort of a diet. I am quite please I have avoided the naughty step. Lost 1lb, though with the home made buns I ate yesterday the weight may show up tomorrow! Will just have to be really good this week.
Another 2lb lost this week which I'm really pleased about. I'd managed to do a fair bit of exercise which obviously helped. Fingers crossed I can lose a bit more next week, as I'm definitely in the right frame of mind at the moment.
Well done spotit and kacee, congratulations.

Its flippin hot on this step today so I'm pleased its not too crowded after all!
Very well done, Kacee.I intend to try hard this week.
I think that you all are marvellous just for writing in week after week and am amazed that you haven't all melted this week. Well done to everybody for keeping up the spirit.....

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