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Onwards and Downwards August 2012

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AB Editor | 10:09 Wed 01st Aug 2012 | Weight Loss & Dieting
182 Answers
Onwards and Downwards Continues in August

Welcome to August's Onwards and Downwards. Welcome to any and all new members keep up the good work.

Summer holidays are here again and those of you with children or grandchildren at home it can be tricky to keep the snacking down. How do you plan to keep the little ones occupied and out of the pantry?

Don't forget your weekly weigh on Wednesday and remember we don't judge!

Here is last months thread


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I've lost 2lb this week. Makes up for not losing any the week before. One of my friends at work bought a bag of double choc chip cookies from Sainsbury's yesterday and was offering them around. I said thank you but no thank you. Normally I can't resist a giant warm cookie but I did and I feel quite proud of that :o)

I've now lost 8lbs in 5/6 weeks.
16:03 Sat 11th Aug 2012
I have tried rice cakes in the past. They are ok if desperate, but have no substance to them, and just tend to collapse and have little texture to recommend them. But if they fulfil a need and gets you over a appetite 'hump' then what the heck ?

As for me, feeling in need of a little lift of late, I realised that the records I keep of what I've consumed not only have dates on them, but often have the morning weight reading too. So I extracted the dates & weights and used Excel to plot a graph. And lo & behold, I have actually dropped over the year. Often it doesn't seem like it, and it is much slower than desired, and not particularly smooth either, and it looks as if it is getting shallower of late, but at least I can look at it and see what 13 months achieved.

Yay me ! Now if only I could encourage it to drop faster not slower as the days go by.
Well there you go OG and here's you thinking negs.....good for you..
has anyone tried the philadelphia chocolate spread,30g serving-86 is really lovely,when i need something sweet i will have that on a ryvita with some strawberries on top,its better than a chocolate eclair.
Some really fab losses this week. I am on holiday, so no weigh in and so far no guilt for enjoying myself. I have stuck to my usual diet as far as poss, but have been taking less exercise, so there are bound to be consequences, but by not going too off course I hope they will be minimal. Well done everyone!
True xstitcher. At least I'm averaging a loss of 6 ounces a week. If it doesn't slow down I can think of having got to goal at around May/June next year. And to think at the start I was concerned it might take me as long as May 2012 ! Surely not.
I think it was my grandmother that used to say "slow and surely" (which at the time I heard as "slow and Shirley") but that is supposed to be the right way to loose weight.
I must admit that when I see these loosing weight TV programmes and see the people killing themselves with their exercises I ask myself if my way will ever work....
But would you really want to half kill yourself doing all those exercises, xStitcher and then when you stop doing them the weight would probably pile on again! I think our way of slowly but surely is much better. Mind you I have been baking all day for a charity tea party tomorrow so a lot of tasting has gone on. Will have to start and be good tomorrow.
There would be no half kill, I'd be stone dead after 10 min. if I held out that long.
I've lost a lb this week so quite happy (although I've had a poopy week at work).
I've lost 5 lbs since we went on this new regime at home (about 3 weeks) - due to have the cholesterol tested again next week so I am hopeful. I might have lost more if I hadn't succumbed to the Magnum Almond icecream mid-week :-)
Well done Tigger
Thanks Hoppy :o)
Well done Tigger that is in the right direction.
Well done too boxtops that is a good average for 3 weeks. onward and downwards to Wednesday.
Nice one Boxy x

I'm going to an 80th birthday party tomorrow so I'm just going to have my usual Special K in the morning and nothing else till the party.
I'm determined to stick with it this time - I looked back on the calendar last week and was dismayed to see that this time last year, I was 8lbs lighter than I am now - I just put it back on after that, so this time it's for real!
Just like me Boxtops I have been bitting and bubbing too much these last few weeks and not getting anywhere .But back on track with a 5lb loss last week. Got to clear a stone by end of october.
Good luck everyone :o)

I'm determined to get back into my size 10 jeans by the end of September. Last time I got into them was about 4 years ago!
Tigger size 10 what do you need to lose weight for there must be hardly anything of you at that weight. I have just got back to size 14 and don't want any lower than that. But I am a lot older than you .How tall are you?
5ft 3". I should be between 9 and 9.7st. I'm 9.12 at the moment so just a bit more to go.
I am only 5 ft 2 and shows first on my hips if I gain weight. I have a long length mirror on landing at top of stairs and I refuse to look in it till I clear this stone. And I byepass the aisle where that have one in Asda lol.
I remember you had a baby last year .How old now?

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