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Onwards And Downwards Continues In March 2013

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AB Editor | 11:26 Fri 01st Mar 2013 | Weight Loss & Dieting
163 Answers
Hello all,

I for one am glad to see the lighter nights and mornings, makes me feel that summer is coming! Who is up for an Easter egg hunt? Of course, you can use chocolate eggs or bags of sweets, but how about those little party favours instead to save the teeth and waistlines?

For those of you without kids just enjoy the long weeknd and maybe let yourselves have a little treat.

And by the way a big WELCOME to all our new users in the last couple of months. Good Luck and well done for taking the first step.

We welcome anyone serious about losing weight and we offer support and kind thoughts - not magic fixes, just sensible help.

Don't forget your weekly weigh on Wednesday and remember we don't judge!

Here is last months thread


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If I had the weight of another person to lose I'd just try to throw them off, then run away and give them the slip !
11:26 Wed 06th Mar 2013
A little bit down for me too thankfully. That step was getting cold, hard and a wee bit crowded, but it works!

I was back to packing my own lunches (I sometimes drift and try to pick something up in town) but this week I had salad and cream cheese lunches or soup on the very cold days. And despite a large portion of yorkshire pudding on Sunday, I've avoided the naughties.

Onwards and downwards everyone and try not to let his cold spell get the better of you!

Very pleased this week as lost 3lb so going back in the right direction again. Just hope I can keep it up.
Good to see you Jan, and well done with your 3lbs. Inspirational as always.
Well done Maydup and yes it is difficult in this cold weather.
Jan well done how is your foot now?
Thanks Maydup and well done to you too. Ankle is not so good wendilla. Since having the plaster off three weeks ago it has been very painful and still need to use the crutches. Just hoping it improves soon as due back to the hospital in another three weeks.
Ah I see most of uss doing ok sop far.

Thank goodness. Despite lat night's steak pushing me up ¾ lbs over the last 24 hours I've apparently reduced 1⅛ th lbs over the last week. Finally down again, admittedly from a rather high point last week.

A bit of a relief to be honest, it was beginning to get to me. Nevertheless I'm still where I was at the end of January; so I need this fall to continue.
Well it certainly looks like we didn't enjoy each others' company on the naughty step last week. Hopefully we can put it away. You have all done so well....big pat on the back.....

Sorry to hear that your foot is still giving you grief Jan. Fingers crossed for you.

I am going to be soooo good this week...easy to say after a meal isn't it. lol
Well done everybody! I havnt lost very much this week, just a few ounces really, Im not disheartened though, I had a couple of very naughty treats when we had friends around, mostly involving lashings of fresh cream! They made me do it!

Im just really happy that I haven't actually gained, im sure it will get harder to move the weight as time moves on but I have lost over a stone now and people are saying they can see the weight loss so Im well happy!!
I am definitely joining you on the naughty step, Wendilla. Just can't seem to get going again. Went on a real eating binge this week, sweets things of course! Couldn't even get up the nerve to step on the scales. Hopefully things can only get better. Congratulations to all you losers. Well done!
i'll have to wait till friday to get weighed at docs couldn't get to daughters to use her scales but waistbands getting looser .
Ratters few ozs is better than a gain. Isn't it great when people tell you they see a difference you know then it is working maybe slowly but that is the best way. and I think it was the lashings of cream on the Eton Mess last night that will stick. Can't blame the raspberries that were in it .
Spotit3 I know that feeling well.Never mind we know what to do .Onwards and Downwards to next week.
Well done to the many losers!!! I have stayed the same, which I kind of expected. Wendilla, I like your attitude and that you know you will be off the naughty step by next week, that's the spirit! I need encouragement to take more exercise, and I do like walking once I've started. Does anyone have any motivational tips to make me to get out there and walk? What do you all do to push yourselves to exercise, and how do you make it fun when you're doing it?
Hi Marijn well done to stay the same . I hate walking apart from when I am at the seaside I can walk for ages along the beach. Just wish at home how to not take my car out of the garage just to go up the shop which is just half a mile for just a few things that I could carry but excuse at the moment is it is too cold.
Thank you. It's hard for me to stop coming up with excuses re exercising. :)
Haven't posted for a while, but still trying and managed to get to my 2st. However not having had a kitchen for the last month has not helped and am currently up a couple of pounds on that, so probably on the naughty step again this week unless I do some serious stuff for the next day or two. Good to be back anyway.
Hi Sheenamf my excuse is this cold weather but will soon run out of that excuse. Yes not easy if you can't cook due to your kitchen but the good thing is you have come back to us. Good luck for Wed.
Oh dear some of us, myself included seem to be loosing it. I have been bad, bad bad. Roll on Wed so I can face the music and then hopefully do something about it.....
Good Morning All,

Aha, the day of rekoning has arrived and the stark truth of the scales is well deserved. I should be on an isolation naughty step. The guilty food was a binge on micro wave popcorn!!!! I have just binned the bags that are left. I hang my head in shame.
No change for me this week, but I will have to work very hard next week.

I went to a community lunch yesterday which was nothing short of a feast and I found it impossible not to indulge. and back on Sunday we had a family meal at which I forgot myself completely! Eton Mess and everything.

What's happened to my will power? If anyone sees it wandering around lost would you take it by the scruff of the neck and send it back in my direction?!
Maybe your will power has gone into hibernation like mine has maidup

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