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Onwards & Downwards: Summer Heat Edition

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AB Editor | 10:26 Thu 22nd Jun 2017 | Weight Loss & Dieting
46 Answers
Today is the first break in the summer heat round these parts, which means that I might be able to actually cook something.

It's such a difficult thing to turn on the hobs or oven while the heat was in the high-twenties.

What did you eat during the heatwave?

We ended up with takeaways when the evening finally dipped in heat - or salad.

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Salads mainly, but I'm not keen on veg. so ate little.. Waistbands are looser.
Good morning all, I'm down almost 2 pounds (800 grams) so very pleased. Knowing that I was going down because of two weighings made it easier to walk by the temptations in the grocery stores.
I wish I could get the whole avatar in the picture...she's standing on a scales.
Morning well done xstitcher . I thought I might have lost but no still the same as 2 weeks ago .As long as I don't gain that is fine but would like a stone off .
Well done all.

I'm down 0.8 lbs over the week, but that was from a high point so isn't as good as it might have been. But surprised it is down at all given the week I've had; plus I feel bigger. I'm sure my stomach didn't use to blob out that badly.
Good morning all, I stayed the same, but after a BBQ dinner last night with rib eye steaks I'm surprised.
Gosh, is it Wednesday again already ?
Hmm... Due to a 1 lb rise over the last 24 hours, turns out I've stayed the same over the week also.
Nothing moving again .still the same .
Seems like we're all Samers this week.
Good morning all, I'm a "wow" down 2 lbs and I don't care if I stay there for the next few weeks, I like it!
well done xstitcher . My scales have finally moved down 1 lb .
Enjoy that birthday treats tomorrow .Happy Birthday XSTITCHER .
What a coincidence, I'm down 1 lb too.

Not that it's reached a good place yet. Still awaiting getting back to where I was back in February, yet alone start to make proper progress.
We must give ourselves a pat on the back.
9 stone gone officially but unoffically its 9 stone and 7lbs gone.
Good morning all, no smile today. Despite doing all the right things I'm a pound heavier this week. I'm saying to myself that it's a fleeting pound.
I'm getting sick and tired of not getting anywhere so am following my son's advice and seeking the help of a dietician next week when she gets back from holidays. I'm in the mind set to do it. My goal is not in pounds or kilos but to get my BMI to normal.
Sounds a good idea xstitcher .Be interest to hear what she suggests . I am stuck again this week .
I've dropped just 0.4 lbs. Seems a small win, but compared to Saturday, it a disappointment. These weekends take their toll, but the last 24 hours I went up 0.2 lbs on top.

Sorry to hear you two didn't get the hoped for fall this week. Know how it feels not to be making progress.

Which leads me to a tale. My weight has been shifting around just under the obese level for a while now. Had to have a blood pressure test at the GPs recently and they used a machine one stood on instead of the normal, sit and have the arm pump done manually. Darned thing measured my weight and height too, then had the cheek to tell me I was just obese ! (The receptionist pointed it out.) Unfair ! I had jeans and a load of pocket contents being weighed with me. I'm still just overweight on my scales, when I weigh myself in the nuddy !
... it's ...
I wouldn't like that machine either OG. Nuddy is the only way. Had my blood pressure done a couple of weeks ago. It's perfect...doesn't fit in with my weight but the scales don't lie.

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