With me it is carrier bags. I always take my own bags but today I forgot. I wouldn't complain if the bags were plain but I refuse to pay for a bag with the shop name all over it. So cutting off my nose to spite my face I struggled. I had it in my hand bag and in my pockets. I know I sound like a tight cow but I'm not. It is the principle that I'm paying them to advertise their shop.
So what do you hate paying for?
Using the public toilets If it's not bad enough that i have rushed to find one, then get there.I now have to scramble for change to get in! Its a good job i've got plastic pants!
Air for tyres. We have one of those machines that plug in the car. Mic always said you had to race round the car to do all your tyres before the money ran out. Hence he bought the machine. It is now my job.