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treborrobert | 15:39 Fri 09th May 2008 | Family Life
97 Answers
why do i get the feeling some ? put pets before kids ! and kids health ! question is .... why do some so called pet lovers take there dogs to parks were kids play to crap ?...and say they are taken there pets for walks .. when they clearly dont want crap in there own loverly back gardens.....and why pet lovers kick cats out at night so they dont spray in the house BUT can spray up others front and back doors and windows ???......and why so called pet lovers feed there dog and cats with tin pet foods that have 30% horse meat in it ???
and the best for last .... why do pet lovers let there dogs bark all night ... but kids get asbo for just hanging around in groups .talking / and playing about ???.......
kids are made out to be bad !... you take away there freedom .. whats left ??????????????????


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treborrobert, are you serious? Even in my town, which I believe is far from affluent, given its industrial background and the decline in such industry, there are new, safe play areas on most estates. Our local park has a beautiful kids-only area with climbing ropes, swings, one of those iPlay affairs, roundabouts etc., as well as a separate area with swings and a slide, and big spaces to play with balls, and walkways to skateboard/scooter/Heeley down, our beach has a play area...Is that enough to start you off?

I am a Youth Worker, so I am extremely aware of the issues that children and young people face.

Hello Lakitu! I believe white poo in dogs is caused by eating bones, and as less owners feed their dog bones, we see less of it. Unfortunately, we don't see less poo in general, and that is the problem really!?

I agree with you :)
I agree with your point about people leaving their dogs' mess, but I can't say it's something a lot of people around here do,

I love my cats, but we don't kick them out at night. They have cat flaps and are free to come and go, day or night. There's are loads of cats on my street, though, so no one has ever had a problem.

My next door neighbour's dogs get on my wick when they bark and so do the kids in the park behind my house, but then we were all kids at some point- don't tell me you never made a racket!

Oh, I do wonder, though, what are you supposed to do when you're bitten by someone's dog when you're in the park? My brother was on his bike, as were his friends, a couple of weeks back and a dog ran to him and bit through his trousers into his leg. He's been left with a massive scar. The woman who owned the dog couldn't apologise enough, but he, nor his friends, recognised her as a local, so there was nothing they could do. :(
Hello Leeapops,

I thought it was something that was in canned food that isn't there these days. That was just general surmising, nobody had ever told me either way.

We certainly used to get a bone for the dog along with the week's worth of food from the butcher when I was a youngster, so you're most likely correct :)
I chinned this older lady one time when her dog Sh*t on an area kids played and she told me her dog was feeding the beasties in the grass....I kid you not she said it was natures way!! Honestly some people have an answer for everything lol.

Thats hilarious! Rude and completely unecessary, but hilarious!
I know its a serious matter Lakitu but when she said that to me I couldn't help but laugh. : ))
sandrajo, she sounds so misguided! Anyone who uses that excuse is clueless or trying it on...Dog poo isn't quite the nutritious manure that cow poo, for example, is! :S Dirty lady... :S

whiskey, I would have asked the lady for her name and if she became irate, taken photos of her and her dog. She sounds quite reasonable, but her dog clearly wasn't under her control, whatever the reasons for its attack. He could've called the police there and then, following her if he moved on. What action did he want to take?

Lakitu, I think my dog would be happy with food fresh from the Butcher!! I think it's all the calcium. It is a little frowned upon now I think to give dogs bones because they are able to splinter and lodge in the animal's throat or stomach. I used to give Jack the odd bone, but then I got scared and stopped! *lol*


treborrobert to use your argument then, why have children in a built up area when there is obviously so few places for them to play in or on?
And why do people constantly through their kids soiled nappies from their cars to land in the verges out in the countryside where I live! And why do the kids throw their cans and rubbish down anywhere where it can harm people, their pets and wildlife.

Come on people can cause as much mess as dogs. Live and let live. There are good and bad pet owners and good and bad parents (more of the latter I quite honestly believe).

My pets mean the world to me. My children have long left home and they are great company. I clear up after my pets and they are well trained.

And quite honestly I don't see the difference between cow meat and horse meat!
'throw!' not 'through'
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sorry you are right its not a asbo . when kids are in a group of 3 or more hanging around ...they get told to move on as they carnt group up in large number ......

and this is true !!!!!

Leeeeeeeeela :)

Im good ta, you? Last day of my weeks holiday though :(

Alan & his mum alwsys say us english ar far to neurotic (sp) about our dogs! They used to take all leftover food, including onions and bones and everything and at the end of each week boil it all up to make the dog food! Even eating onions and chocolate, there dogs never had any problems! His mum laughs at me when I say I cant take the leftovers for my 2 if it has been cooked near onions lol!
I don't know, really, leela. :oS It was more me, really. I was furious, but at work at the time otherwise I'd have shot over there. He's a really lovely lad and I'm probably a tad over protective, but it was unprovoked and he's been scarred because of it. :(
Lofty, hear hear!

Why does anyone litter? And of course, if dog mess is visible, it is because people haven't picked it up (which I know is what you were saying anyway, treborrobert).

I always pick up those plastic can-rings, as my grandma always told me birds could get caught and choke...

wiggal you poor sausage! I hope it has been a good week for you, nevertheless. How is Cleo doing?

I know what you mean, I think Steve would give Jack leftovers if I wasn't eagle-eyed (OK, neurotic!) about it, but I am also super-careful because of his gluten intolerance, and I like him to have a balanced diet, as that's our responsibility as dog owners isn't it? :) I think dogs are far more resilient than people think, but then just because they were "OK then"...well, you know! My South African friend had a pair of lovely big Staffies, and I think they were fed by the same principle! ;)

whiskey, I know what you mean. It can be really damaging to someone to be the victim of an unprovoked attack, or even to have a friendly dog jump up at them. I went near my grandma's dog's food when I was very young, and she snapped at me. That upset me a lot! I liked dogs, but I was very wary of them, until i got Jack. Now I am a little bit dog-obsessed!

Sorry to chat on your thread, trebor. Hope you feel it's a little relevant at least!
Been trying to find the mention of white poo, but going doolally looking. It isn't bones that causes it, it was stuff they had in the food years ago. I can't remember when I last saw a white one.
Dog poo is biodegradable which is more than I can say for the disposable nappies that some people seem to enjoy dumping here there and everywhere.
I went to Cornwall on holiday some years ago and on a beach where no dogs where aloud I came across 3 diaposable nappies full of cr*p on the beach which some dirty, misrable tw*t had just thrown down and left.
That along with the amount of times I see kids by the side of the road with mummy and daddy, draws down pooing.
Bet they don't clean up after there little darlings have done that.
Around here there are plenty of parks for children to play in which are sectioned off from dog areas.
My only gripe is the dog owner that takes a dog for a walk late at night in a town centre, where they know a lot of people go and let the dog do its buisness on the pavement and leave it there. There is no reason for it.
As for dogs being aggresive. Talk to owner before you just blame the dog. And by the way there are far more aggresive kids out there than dogs. I have heard more stories of kids attacking people than I have dogs.
I do have 4 children of my own and I brought them up to respect others.
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well then why not dog ! in the tins then if horses can be put in why not dog or cat ???...answers to this will be good lol lol....
and before you say its diffrent ?? why ?? dogs are pets so are horses...... it get rid of a lot of stray dogs lol lol
Well yes- I suppose putting dogs and cats in tins would be one way to solve the stray problem treborrobert, however i for one would feel uncomfortable offering my own dog another dog to chow down on- though I don't suppose she'd mind, I imagine to a dog meat is meat.

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