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Hey there does anyone know can your employer still ask you to work night shifts while pregnant??
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ive been trying to conceive girls and havent had any luck any special home remedies or advice on how toconceive quicker i do when its right im getting very frustrated just got married last year please...
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last month my period ended on march 25 one week ago i had spotting since then ive had mild period cramps period hasnt yet arrived do you think im pregnant test was negative is it to soon i have no...
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lollyone! About everything. Only 4 weeks in and every twinge or little pain I'm convinced its 'going away'. When I sneeze I get like a stabbing pain that feels like its coming from...
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hi all, i currently have 2 boys aged 2 and nearly 3. my partner has decided that he would like another child. i havnt yet made my mind up but im just wondering if anyone knows how long it takes for...
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lollyone!! I'm pregnant! I cant believe it! I was starting to think that it would never happen. Just goes to show you should never loose faith! So, I suppose this is not a question...yet. I...
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I Love Snow
Went to see the midwife this morning as i hadn't felt the baby move for a few days. She couldn't pick anything up so she sent me to the hospital. After loads of different machines no one there could...
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hi all! just thought it let you all know that i had my lovely baby boy on tuesday a week early through c section due to him been in distress when having mild mild contractions.they found out this as i...
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Hi, I've been trying to conceive since getting married last June and still no sign (only a couple of false alarms!!). If I go to the doctors, do you think they will be willing to do anything, and if...
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if i get pregnant and my parents are mad, can they make me get an abortion?
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if you are pregnant?
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i've just found out im pregnant and really want to know how far i am. i've not had a period sinice jan but took a test in fed but it said i wasn,t is there anyway or any tests i could get to tell me.
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I have discovered that I have just fallen pregnant and am now worried that I wasn't taking folic acid. Should I start now or is it too late?
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mommy of 3
I have 2 boys and want a girl real bad. I went to the dr. and they said i am having a girl.. could they be wrong?
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I Love Snow
Sorry to ask but has anyone suffered with it and what did you take for it? It is now starting to give me a lot of pain.
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i heard acohol can reduce the quantity and quality of sperm, is that true? if the man is still drinking lots, would increase very high risk for unhealthy baby?
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I have just got a coldsore as you all know redcrx gave birth to amelia on Friday but wont be seeing her for a few weeks now, but think my mate has just gone into labour and I dont want to see baby if...
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your gay
aaaarrrrrhhhhh i'm 11 and pregnent help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I was just wondering if anyone has seen or heard from FunkyMouse since she posted about the start of labour. Maybe it was the start and shes busy being a new mum now!
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Hi all, I would just like to make everyone aware if you are pregnant or planning on having a baby and you are RN and youhave even the tiniest spot of blood to contact the hospital because you NEED to...

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