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Would It Be Weird If I Went Out With 6 Men?

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abbeylee90 | 18:33 Thu 07th Dec 2023 | Family & Relationships
108 Answers

One of my male friends is going put tomorrow with 5 male friends and invited me don't know if it abit strange 



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Is your Mum not expecting you and Dad to visit her in hospital sometime pm ?  

-- answer removed --

^just keep away if you've nothing to contribute

Good grief - maybe it's the lecherous driving instructor wanting AL to learn what a Big End really means.....

Even Molly couldn't come up with such drivel.


Not only would it be weird to go out with 6 men and only know 2 of them, it would be unwise and very foolish.

If you are going for the shock factor with this, you've succeeded. 

I find it difficult to believe you are actually considering going.

@19.31.I have things to cotribute,nma.If Abbey going out with six males is an innocent thing then nothing to worry about,however what happens if some of these males decide to take things further.Youngsters nowadays seem far too prurient for my liking.

^ it's your repeated 'witty' jibes about cream crackers and cheese slices that add nothing

Sounds as if you are just another prurient youngster,nma.

Why do you keep hiding things from your mother?

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No floko no visitors its a knee op

It's not weird at all. I regularly used to go out with a group of guys. In fact throughout my life I've generally gone out with a group of guys and was always treated with care and respect. (Altho perhaps not ask about the time I went out with 3 guys on the grounds I was the sensible person the night before one of them got married. :) )

How old are the six males, Abbey?  Around your own age or younger/older?

please inform me what crackers and cheese have to do with this. What have I missed?

Youve had a hard time lately,abbey,what with your job applications,your driving test,your mums problems,your relationships...perhaps you give this appointment a miss?

@20.10.Forget it,Winner,my wee jests seem to have fallen on barren ground.

Abbey, is male friend the one from dog walking?

^ the

Abbey, not answering any relevant questions 

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