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What Do I Do Abour This Guy?

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abbeylee90 | 11:26 Mon 01st Apr 2024 | Family & Relationships
348 Answers

Last week I went on a date with a guy I met on the Internet he very confident and has a big personality but what I don't like is beard and eyebrow piercing he wants to meet up this week before he goes away but I'm not sure what should I do?



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Only been on 1 date

Abbey/  There is a saying that you don't judge a book by its cover - same goes for men - looks aren't everything. 👨

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what does the answer "tomorrow" refer to??

Tomorrow?  You mean you're going on the date tomorrow?

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He wants to before he goes away Friday 

So go...and have fun. 

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What if I decide I don't like him

I hope the date goes well Abbey.  Do please let us know (without too much detail of course 😀😀😀).

what do YOU think you'll do if you decide you dont like him?

Start a new thread title.

I've decided I don't like this guy, what should I do?

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Yeah well see or what if I start talking to someone else while he away?

'Talking to someone else while he's away' - is this a new rule, convention in dating. If you have two dates with someone else, you shouldn't chat(online or otherwise) to another man?  

Abbey, you're a free agent.  You can go out with whoever you like. 

What if HE starts talking to someone else while HE's away and he likes her ?  Just. trying to get this thread up to 200 ??

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Yeah could happen 

Just live for the moment. Go on the date enjoy it and see if he contacts you when he comes back.

You are not exclusive so if you get a date whilst he is away go for it.

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Just not sure what to wear


//Just not sure what to wear//

can you show us some pics of possible outfits & ask our advice?

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