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What Do I Do Abour This Guy?

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abbeylee90 | 11:26 Mon 01st Apr 2024 | Family & Relationships
348 Answers

Last week I went on a date with a guy I met on the Internet he very confident and has a big personality but what I don't like is beard and eyebrow piercing he wants to meet up this week before he goes away but I'm not sure what should I do?



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This thread is asking about a potential date with a guy.

There is no need to make any sort of reference to any of the other threads abbeylee posts.

Take each post in isolation.

If you have nothing constructive to add just pass on by.

Go tonight, tomorrow might not be convenient for him.

Abbey has said she prefers to get her nails done tonight redhelen.

Okay secret mod, I agree . Abbey has learning difficulties - severe in my opinion- which prevent her processing information , as well as mental health issues, all of which she is open about, so threads should stick to one topic. In which case, shouldn't abbey be pulled up when she changes the topic on her own threads?


Easy option;

A) Yes, I want to go out with him

B) No, I don't want to go out with him.

Make a grown up decision as he won't wait forever for you to make up your mind!


NMA - I am not going to get into a drawn out conversation with you about this.

I have made my position clear.


Ok, I'm probably going to get shouted at here but here goes!

This constant 'telling us off' over how we react to Abbeys posts is a tad unfair in my opinion. Most of us here on AB clearly do not think the way she does or process questions/answers the way she does - you mods yourself have stated that you believe she has learning difficulties, even the word severe was mentioned. It is not us who keep changing the subject/ conversation/ direction of the posts. We offer answer after answer after answer, 99% are ignored. 
The fact that the way this site works probably isn't the best one to help her with the way she processes things is not a good reason to keep telling everyone to not say this, don't comment on that.... constantly! It's frustrating, and this thread is a PERFECT example why half of your regular posters are abandoning AB in their droves!



167 posts at the moment on a decision about a date! Ridiculous!!

Abbey, you're in your 30s!

Very constructive Barry @ 10.38 perhaps Smow's post echos how a lot of us feel I.e that we are being treated like children 

Smow you are absolutely right, 100%, hope you get to see this before it gets pulled. In fact you've been too nice. What is the point of being a member of this site when no-one's opinion matters about this particular poster unless it's to give her false hope?


I can see my comment has been left on at least to allow even a couple of you to read it. I'd like to add that this isn't a Mental Health support group, and this is how mods are treating us i.e. only say nice things, don't upset etc... .... feels like we are walking on egg shells! We aren't bullies for gods sake.

Well said, Smow

"Go out with him for a coffee and get to know him and look past his beard."

plus, beards are fun.  they can tickle your legs when he kisses you goodnight

I really feel for Abbey, and I do believe all her questions are a reflection of her difficulties in making choices and decision making. Because she jumps from one subject to another, threads are all over the place. 90% of the answers are well meaning, and to blame or criticise those who respond goes against the whole point of help. Even if its frustrating at times. We are all wishing Abbey a light bulb moment. 

We have had lots of posts about how Abbey is desperate to find a man. Here's a man who wants a second date with her and she would rather get her nails done. Which is more important? We've also had a lot about her shortage of money and the debt she's in, but she can afford a nail treatment. It doesn't make sense to me.

Bednobs - your post did make me laugh ( the beard can tickle your knees when he says goodnight!) A real " Oooh Matron!" comment! LOL. 

Smow, I read bednobs comment about 3 times as I couldn't believe what I was reading. Hilarious, and probably would just fly over Abbeys head.Lol.

So pleased your comment wasn't pulled, but you know, a lot complain about Abbeys posts and yet by doing so, we are the ones keeping the thread going.

I've said myself that if these threads keep coming up, I will walk away and I think that really is what we should do.

Ok, so I'm off to do something else now but will probably look in tonight.

I think abbey is the ed. (or vice versa)

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Seems like he'd treat me like a princess but who knows 

only if you treat him like a princeπŸ™„

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