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What Do I Do Abour This Guy?

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abbeylee90 | 11:26 Mon 01st Apr 2024 | Family & Relationships
348 Answers

Last week I went on a date with a guy I met on the Internet he very confident and has a big personality but what I don't like is beard and eyebrow piercing he wants to meet up this week before he goes away but I'm not sure what should I do?



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Anyone else feeling Groundhog Day?? LOL.

Abbey, if you're going to have another 'What do I wear?' threads, I think you should start a separate one. The heading on this one won't be relevant 

I think it would be best to leave Abbey to choose her own outfit.

Black jeans, boots, white T-shirt and jacket

No chocolate stains on the jeans though!

Abbey, 3 days and hundreds of answers later, have you decided what to do about this guy, or do you need a few more days to think about it?

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Any of them.

Abbey, I now try to avoid your clothes threads(I got tired of animal prints) - and I don't think this belongs in Family and Relationships, especially when the title is What Do I About This Guy?

-- answer removed --
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I cba but I'll go anyway 

//I cba but I'll go anyway //

I wonder if he's following you on social media and sees this!

How would you feel if he took the same attitude with you?

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He'd be pleased I've turned up and wouldn't if he cba

abbey, we're not allowed to ask about your Selco trial on this thread but I can't ask on your "Has Anyone Ever Been In My Situation? If So Did I Get Resolved" thread as it has been closed to new replies.

I'd be interested to know how it's gone and what happens next. Maybe you could start a thread on that?

I guess my post here will go soon.

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It's going fine coming to end of 2 week trial 


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Well I passed my trial 😃

Abbey, shouldn't that information go on to one of your 'work' threads? I say that as people were told yesterday that they should stick to the subject of the OP. Also, anyone wondering how you were doing job-wise shouldn't need to look at one of the 'What do  I do about this guy?' threads - it's a different subject altogether.

PS Well done on passing the trial.




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I can't put anymore comments in the subject.


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