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Canadian Club Sherry Cask Whiskey

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woofgang | 15:18 Sun 18th Aug 2013 | Drinks
2086 Answers
Dos anyone know where I can get this mail order please, my usual supplier doesn't seem to have any?
Just to be clear, I am not interested in alternates unless they are also a version of Canadian Club, or (and I mean this nicely) opinions on my taste in alcohol.

Many thanks


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Morning all...I was thinking what a lovely light morning it was and then I realised I'd slept late. Jude should have set her alarm :) Neti, re the baby, you have mail. I mentioned it yesterday afternoon. thwack! ....for not paying attention... I think this will be my song du jour...
09:24 Sun 11th Jan 2015
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a handbag???????
I mean well really I have seen some stupid responses but that one.......
I've just bought a new modern handbag, got studs at each end, I appear to have a mountain of the damn things so will have to send a few to the charity shop!
Had a phone call at 5pm saying out computer tower was fixed so I called Mr N and we went to Ibiza to collect it, only cost 47€, this after two other shops said it was irreparable, it's still a bit slow but it is 10yrs old, I would have like a new one but hey ho! At least all folders and photos are still there!!!
Good morning am at hospital waiting to see kidney mexico. 5° brrr
Morning all...grey and breezy one. What a sight new York is...almost a ghost town.
Well, as the shock hormones diminish the exhaustion kicks in, I'm very stiff and completely whacked this morning.

Good luck neti, hope all's well. We like to keep the mexicos busy don't we. Even my kindle recognises mexico with a small m as soon as I start to type. :) Hope everyone else has a healthy day in store.

kidney mexico, that is a niche profession, like a navel surgeon I suppose
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good morning all. Grey and chilly here. Behave yourself at the mexico Neti. Hope everyone is well and not doing anything silly.
Back home now, well I am certainly going to keep the mexicos busy for the foreseeable. Have to save pee into a huge bottle for a day, then take it for analysis and blood tests, got app for dental surgeon, and ecogram for kidneys and app for kidney specialist (nefrologia!) I had to run between the 2 hospitals, one is the old one and the other is the new hardly used one, getting apps for this and that, bl***y shattered, although it is cold, I was sweating and removing scarf and gloves, coat and vest! The kidney man couldn't work out why suddenly my kidneys weren't up to the job as have been perfectly ok for 69 yrs! Something toi do with increased creatin (1.59) mean anything woofy??
Robi how is your face today? wrinkles appearing gradually?

Oh an mended computer won't work today!!!!
That's a lot to be going on with neti...please do not run anywhere, we don't want any more biddy face plants (as tarquin calls it). Hope you get good results.

Yes, the swelling is subsiding as the colours become more psychedelic. The shades du jour are damson and plum with lashings of English mustard. I'm refusing to acknowledge the reappearance of any wrinkles.
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only what you know already Neti, that there is something going on with your kidneys.
Hello all
That's a lot of appointments Neti ..let's hope they get you sorted out soon as.
Lovely bright morning but it's clouded up now .
I nearly gave someone a face transplant this morning .I went to the library .
We have a letterbox at the bottom of our drive .Trying to get across the road ,sun in my eyes ,lots of traffic and I won't cross until it's clear .
There was a car pulled up outside my neighbours and all of a sudden some woman gets out of the car tutting and muttering ......."I've been waving at you ...I wanted you to put my letter in the box". I asked her if she thought I looked like a ( insert word of choice) postman ! I'm afraid I gave her gave the finger as she drove off she not been so rude and I had been able to see her waving I would have posted it for her .
Some people ...Grrr .
I hope it soon fades away Robinia ..have you tried some Arnica ?
KBO all.

That's incredible shaney, I'm at loss for words, why dis she ask you to post her letter ? so she didn't have to get out of the car? I can't belive that, did you know her?
Never seen her before in my life .Too lazy to get out of her motor and she was a young person .
This often happens and I don't mind, especially if they're elderly but not for snotty mares like that !
I thought about arnica shaney but as its mostly my face and I'm allergic to a lot of plants I thought a rash on top of everything else wouldn't be a good thing.
So that's two of us who've encountered snotty women this week. I haven't got over the one who didn't help me when I asked. What the hell was in her head? Thank the gods for those around me who have and always do help.
Be prepared the rest of you.
This might make you smile...I'm amazed any of us are still free to walk(!) the streets :) might take a minute to load....
Lol..If I'd seen her waving I'd willingly have posted it for her but the sun was so bright in my eyes and I was more concerned with getting across the road safely.
I know it's awkward having to get out of a car when there's traffic passing on the drivers side but it was her snotty attitude that annoyed me .
Why couldn't she have opened her window and asked nicely ?

Hahaaa. Novel reading and laziness ...I'd have been locked up for sure :)
Marriage of son?! Is that mad mother in law disease? I don't think there would be anyone left on this site...Political excitement and religious enthusiasm. Lol
excitement as officer, that does sound dangerous.

I like the idea of a dental surgeon app, neti, just stick your iphone in your mouth and switch on. Better beware when peeing in a jar, though

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