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Canadian Club Sherry Cask Whiskey

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woofgang | 16:18 Sun 18th Aug 2013 | Drinks
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Dos anyone know where I can get this mail order please, my usual supplier doesn't seem to have any?
Just to be clear, I am not interested in alternates unless they are also a version of Canadian Club, or (and I mean this nicely) opinions on my taste in alcohol.

Many thanks


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Morning all...I was thinking what a lovely light morning it was and then I realised I'd slept late. Jude should have set her alarm :) Neti, re the baby, you have mail. I mentioned it yesterday afternoon. thwack! ....for not paying attention... I think this will be my song du jour...
10:24 Sun 11th Jan 2015
Well she wasn't much help was she .Surely if you saw someone fall flat on their face in the middle of the road you would try and help them .She must have seen you were in distress.
Glare at her next time you see her :)
It's brightened up a bit here now but it's been lashing it down. Thundering at one stage and blowing a gale .
haha if you read it it mentions resident Christine Charlton, she is my friend!
Your friend should park the biddy bus outside her door to keep those tourists away neti...

Better still, she can have a pic of me at the moment to put in her front window...that'll scare 'em off!

The weather here has been dreadful. Howling gales and sleet showers.
it calmed down here after the storm but now it's got really cold again (says my Outdoors Correspondent in an exclusive interview)

Goodness, are those really the most photographed houses? I've never heard of them. I would have thought it was the street they used in the Hovis ads.
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tourist photographers were the bane of my life when I was at work. I used to spend a lot of time driving through the forest from patient to patient. Its not uncommon for tourists to stop the car in the middle of the road to leap out and photograph the ponies, cows and so on. They are still as much of a nuisance but i don't have to drive through the forest so much.
Made a beef curry and veg side curry. The nice expensive casserole dish I bought for myself, has all bubbled and gone strange, so had to use a glass one, but it was delicious, don't like using glass ones. Mr N took the computer back as it stopped working last night (!) but it was only the knob that stuck so it is back and working now, fingers crossed.

Am in my cosy bed, all bathed and contented.
Blimey I'd just love tourists peeping in my windows and opening the door I'd be behind it in a scary mask .Although on second thoughts one of my looks would be scary enough especially first thing in the morning .Cheeky b's. The residents must get cheesed off with them .
In the local news they reckon there was a tornado round here today ,somewhere near Long Stratton .It's a real feel here of minus 8 say Accu,
so I'm away to my warm bed ..Night all ,sleep well.
Good morning all.

Sunny but chilly.

When we lived in Truro, it was the locals who would open the front door and look in to "see what we were doing to the place!" and here we get tourists wandering up the paths, they thinbk we are some sort of jungleI think.

Hope you are all feeling alright today!
sorry about the typos!
Morning all...very cold and windy, I think we've snow showers on the way. There were earthquakes in the midlands last night. We didn't feel it but my sister 25 miles away did. That'll probably be my fault then.

Had an email from my sister this morning...

"Ordered pair of shoes in Hotter sale. Had an email confirming despatch with a note that says -
If for any reason we’ve not been able to send all of your order, your despatch note will advise that these items are to follow.
Wot they gonna do??.. send 1 shoe at a time??.. haha.."


She also said (following a photo I'd sent) that I should offer to model for Rimmel...not so much the London Look...more the Landed Look.

She should be afraid.... :)

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ha ha Robi, your sis sounds as cheeky as mine. Tis cold here and they are still swithering over whether we'll get snow or not.
Horizontal blizzard here!:(
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rainy and windy here and cold.
had a nice morning here, though it's turned a bit sleety now. Just as well, because we went on a guided tour of the City this morning - one of the neighbours does it, he's just an amateur historian but he knows his stuff. The tours actually going to take a couple of years, we're just doing a mile or so at a time (on account of all being old and feeble).

Funny thing, twice on the way we were accosted by other people keen to tell us stuff about their streets. One pointed out a small blank-walled building in a side street and said it was the original GCHQ before they moved to Cheltenham. The other one busted a few myths about Fleet St.

And now I've booked a couple of tickets to a Who gig in March at the O2, so that'll be nice. I don't know what they're doing for a drummer these days.
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Its so blooming cold tonight
Very cold here too and we had some snow this afternoon.My visitors have not long gone .Been a nice day as it was Mr. S's 69th birthday and we had coffee and cakes and a nice Chinese meal this evening ,I hope it doesn't repeat all night !
Hope one and all are well and the bruising is subsiding Robina .
The tour sounds interesting Jno and the Who sounds great .I did see them many Moons ago in my youth ..pardon the pun:)
Night all ,keep warm ,sleep well.
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Happy Birthday Mr S and wishing you many many more.
Oight oight all
Happy Belated Birthday to Mr S.

Good morning, chilly but excessively windy, was so loud in the night, whenever Mousey went out she got blown back in. So am up now to do the bed washing, will try nicely as long as it doesn't blow away.

Hope you are all OK!

Ih hija is coming back for her birthday, she arrives 27th March and leaves 6th April.
Morning all...first we have snow and it goes...then it snows again...and goes. At the moment we have a frozen dusting. It's extremely cold, RF minus 6C. :(
I don't feel very good but I think it's as much to do with the air pressure as anything, the barometer has dropped back as far as I've ever seen it go, if not further/farther.

Happy belated birthday to Mr S, sounds like you both had a good day shaney.

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