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Canadian Club Sherry Cask Whiskey

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woofgang | 16:18 Sun 18th Aug 2013 | Drinks
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Dos anyone know where I can get this mail order please, my usual supplier doesn't seem to have any?
Just to be clear, I am not interested in alternates unless they are also a version of Canadian Club, or (and I mean this nicely) opinions on my taste in alcohol.

Many thanks


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Morning all...I was thinking what a lovely light morning it was and then I realised I'd slept late. Jude should have set her alarm :) Neti, re the baby, you have mail. I mentioned it yesterday afternoon. thwack! ....for not paying attention... I think this will be my song du jour...
10:24 Sun 11th Jan 2015
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Sorry to hear about Geraldine McEwan, she was stunning in Mapp and Lucia, not the recent one, the old one.
its blooming cold here but no snow forecast. The dogs went out and ran around in the garden for about an hour then came in freezing. They are one each end of the settee wrapped in blankets and looking supremely content.
ooer, real feel of minus 8 here - it's already that for my feet, even with three pairs of socks on.
didn't light the gas heater until 8.30 and then it ran out at 9pm, and as Mr N was asleep I didnt have the heart to drag a full bottle across the patio, or to ask him to do it, so have been sitting here but am now chilly.

Off to bed now, it's pouring down again!

Goodnight all x
Well hello again!!

Good morning from a sunny and chilly Ibiza.

Hope you had a good night, and rested, hope woofy is feeling better, and Robi is one colour now!

Mr N gone off to do an estimate for floor tiling in a village called Jesus (hey sus). Am in bed eating toast and marmalade!
Morning all...bitterly cold wind but bright for the moment. colour neti?...which colour do you think suits me best? This really is my eye, taken about 30 mins ago and, if you think it's bad, believe me, it's looking much better than it did. My brow bone is still swollen. It's the best I can do with the equipment I have....

Morning all. Robi that's awful I really feel for you. Will be in touch later on.

Hope you're feet are warming up Jno. Nothing worse than cold feet. I wear thick socks all winter in bed and out.

And everyone else hope your Sunday is going well. I was down the paper shop at 7.15 so that I could get back and have my breakfast before the tennis started.
1st set took over an hour so goodness knows how long it'll take to complete.
Coffee time now I think. Laters gaters!
Of course there are things worse than cold feet, black eyes for one, but I still hate cold feet!
Robi! I am completely shocked by that photo, that is so bad you poor thing, can't remember but have you seen the mexico or someone?
Just watching the tennis now, not that I am really interested but there's nothing else on TV!!
oh dear, that does look as if it's still got some way to go, Robinia. You could try passing off the photo as a Van Gogh.

Another four hour sleep before being woken up by a complaining hip (it normally waits six before screaming.) Four pairs of socks on and ready to face the day.

lol's an improvement on the initial Picasso.

Mrs Tarquin gave me a once over neti (not really Mrs T yet, she's his fiancee). The only extra thing the hospital would have done is maybe, and not necessarily, an 4 hrs(?) waiting time instead of 25 minutes. Oh, I've got a matching knee too :)

Yes I keep looking at the tennis, I think it's going to be a long one.
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ouch Robi! that looks nasty. I have started eating again which is good.
Oh yes Robi I remember now.

Good woofy, now as you tell us, take it easy, don't start rushing about and painting things until you are better.

Oh dkovitcitch (can't spell it) has won! I don'!!t like Murray
Hello all
That looks really sore Robinia .I dread to think what it looked like at the outset .You need some bright sunshine to heal that but it doesn't look promising .Mixed bag here.Rain ,some snow,then hail ,then rain .Actually the sun is out atm.
Well done Djkovic.Best man won.
Had a busy afternoon. Fuschia came round for a cuppa (twice in a weekend) and we were watching music vids on YouTube. Then I had a sort out of papers etc after she had gone. Then a Skype session and now off to do some ironing upstairs while Last Tango is on.
Watched the tennis and I have to admit the best man won.
Pleased you're getting hungry again Woofy. Have all your favourite things and spoil yourself.
See ya later Gaters have a good night.
Had a lovely lunch (Black rice) and then we huddled by the fire and watched tv.

Well Last tango was good - and I was right about that Alan, pathetic old git, only worried about his reputation - it is not his son's fault, I was furious at one point, but all's well that end's well - just love that Gillian, what a tart!!
Yes it was good .
Lol..she is a tart .I bet she's still putting it about in the next series !
Mind you though Neti he didn't need to splash it all over the papers,I can see Alan's point and I don't think I would have so hasty in accepting him splashing the cash.
Although it isn't his fault he's a long lost son I still think he's got an ulterior motive .He seems to want to control them all .
Good covering of snow here . I hope it's gone by morning as I have to go out and don't want to sledge to my appointment.
Night all .Keep warm.
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oight oight all.
Good morning all, from a bright and sunny Ibiza.

Hope woofy is better and Robi's 50 shades are fading.

Yes shaney agree that he should not have gone to the papers like that.
good morning from a bright and sunny Jnonia, where it is a perfect day to go to the dentist. Just a followup to see the implant is healing okay, which I think it is. I hope biddies' ailments are easing and pigments are fading.

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