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Bacon Sandwich

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Maat | 12:08 Sun 13th Jan 2013 | Food & Drink
26 Answers
Daughter off back to uni this morning so I offered to make her a bacon sandwich.
When I was about to put bacon on bread she dashed in and said bacon was not cooked properly - then sprinkled brown sugar over bacon.
I have never heard of this.
Anyone out there tried this.


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No sauce of any description.
Nope. Bacon must be applied between two buttered pieces of toast, and be topped with fried tomatoes and there!
Maat, can I just ask where you got your username? I do have a reason for asking :)
We eat too much sugar as it is without adding it to a superb savoury tasting item. Bacon should be smoked, still have it's rind, and cooked rare or medium rare. Preferably back bacon. No additions.
For lunch, I just made myself a toasted melted-cheese, fried tomato, and bacon sandwich (with no syrup)...Delicious!
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