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jack daniels | 16:42 Mon 13th Jun 2016 | Food & Drink
56 Answers
just wondering what other people do with their salt usage

Hi Abers

i season all of my cooking to taste but don't add salt if i'm boiling vegetables.
we have salt and pepper on the table but i tend to use just the pepper and the other JD's may or may not use it. we use a lot of herbs too.

i'm wondering if you add salt to your cooking, miss it out altogether or each person adds accordingly.

i avoid ready meals as much as i can since i find them quite salty but i'm more wondering about your general use

tia Anna x


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Years ago I ran out of salt and kept forgetting to buy some so have never used any salt in any cooking since....I really hate it added to food when I eat out and have many a steak ruined fro me as all I can taste is the salt. I like to taste the food on my plate!
to order by salt added except a little for steak sprinkled onto the cast-skillet before cooking - and, an essential on French fries - along with mayo.
Salt is vital to taste. Add it to veg automatically when boiling. Add elsewhere where appropriate. Top up once at the table by those who like to taste their food to make the meal full of flavour.
It only adds the taste of salt. That's all.
I like ready salted crisps. I used to like salt and vinegar crisps but not now.
It does nothing of the sort pixie. It brings it the flavour of the food so it can be tasted and not be a bland miserable experience.
Flavour is mostly smell, salt is a taste. It can't do anything other than overpower it. And double your blood pressure...
I cannot eat boiled potatoes that have not been cooked in salted water, they taste horrible to me. Adding so after they are cooked is not the same and still taste nasty.
salt and ketchup can be like a least taste the food first! It's a bit of an insult to the cook to liberally spinkle the sodium chloride everywhere before even tasting it. But then there are many plebs out there when it comes to food.
add some umami - as I am tonight in the form of mushrooms.
Yes there are dtcwordfan
I should add snobs as well, Islay.....but then food should be delish and challenging...
DTC - earlier post - a big yes to a sprinkle of salt and a good mayo on chips! Something I learnt in France.
I like to use a vegetable oxo, if boiling greens, I find them much more palatable that way.
If I think something could do with a little extra salt, I always use Anglesea sea salt which is would renowned.
I don't think that people are necessarily plebs because they automatically pick up the salt cruet. That's a bit harsh, DTC.
harsh but fair, tilly - how do you know if the cook hasn't already pre-salted the food and most won't ask?
Can't you find a better word than 'pleb'?
Folk who add salt at the table are those intelligent enough to know from past experience that the cook can be guaranteed not to have added enough (fact is no insult not snobbery) and opt not to waste a mouthful confirming the obvious. Taste is 100% taste not smell; those who confuse the two are simply mistaking smell for taste.
Even though I spotted and corrected it's error, the tech has STILL replaced my "nor" with the "not" it is determined to pretend I typed. It simply changed it yet again.

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