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Spag Bol

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Vagus | 21:37 Sat 30th Nov 2019 | Food & Drink
86 Answers
followed by Apple lattice pie and homemade custard for us this evening, all shovelled in while watching Strictly with a couple of glasses of pink fizz.
And you??


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Because they want to.

Why are people so judgemental?
I turn on the TV most days as I sit down to eat my main meal, it's often the first time I've sat still for longer than 5 minutes.
Geeezzz...there's a lot of moody folk on AB lately.
Diddly is always like this. She'd expect you to sit in silence on your own at the table...because it's manners.
I was muddy earlier but now I'm not.
Ummm - no, I expect to have a conversation over a meal rather than be gawping at the TV.
I talk to the wall but it doesn't reply.
We had chicken and ham pie with mini roasts.
We ate in the living room watching an episode of Glitch.

Glad you're not muddy anymore Shoots, makes a mess of the keyboard, does mud.
Because it's plastered...
It's rude to speak with your mouthful, ergo, it's rude to have a conversation whilst dining.
Even if I was eating on my own I wouldn't have the TV on.
Diddly - many AB users live alone. What are they suppose to do?
Good for you, Diddly, well done...

....everyone stand up and give Diddly a round of applause...
Probably Shoota.

It's nice to hear human voices sometimes and some music and ooooh the glittery bits.

What's 'Glitch'?
Glitch, Mamya, is a 3 season Australian made paranormal series.
Those who have errr, climbed out of their graves, cannot leave the 'forcefield' surrounding the town.
It's quite good if you like that sort of thing.
Diddly...I live alone, and I like the "company" of the tv. I also don't like people judging what I do in my own home.
Diddly's pronouncements remind me of my mother in law when she first saw my husband’s newly grown beard.

“I don’t like beards”, she said, with a face like a lemon.

“Just as well you don’t have one then”, said my husband.

Sounds fab, go well with a deep,dark beef casserole that would, ta.

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