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Spag Bol

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Vagus | 21:37 Sat 30th Nov 2019 | Food & Drink
86 Answers
followed by Apple lattice pie and homemade custard for us this evening, all shovelled in while watching Strictly with a couple of glasses of pink fizz.
And you??


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I heard a lady say that once too Naomi, the young gentleman kindly offered to lend his razor to her:-)

She didn't seem to appreciate his kindness.
Mamya x

I haven't read it all in case it contains spoilers.
Thank you.
Never had a spag bol, sweet and sour chicken from the takeaway for me tonight.
That reminds me of a French series that was on a few years ago. I never figured out the reason why the "revenants" came back.
We had some pork chops, along with potatoes and carrots. Just nice and easy.
You're welcome Mamya x

Never had a spag bol, our kid?! good grief man, I'm going to wander off shaking my head.....

Pasta, some of them what came back in the Glitch suss out why and attempt to sort matters out.
We accidentally watched the original Revenant film, not the one highly publicised with one of the handsome actors recently - cor, it was good.
Mr Alba then watched the newer one but said he preferred the first one.
Never had a spag bol, our kid?

I've never had any spaghetti ah wench, even when I've been in Italy on hols !
Spaghetti and gravy - food of the gods...
Why not, Tony?
Ha ha.
Starter. Spicy, Garlic Mushrooms.
Mains Chingri Rangoon, Mushroom Fried Rice and Tarka Dhal
pastafreakWhy not, Tony?

Don't like tomato sauce, pasta ( I really like fresh tomatoes though ).
I lurve pasta!!!! Tony you don't know what you're missing!
You don t have to have Tomato sauce. There's creamy, cheesy. Fishy sauces.
Uhh...spaghetti can be served with sauces other than tomato, you know ;)
I never eat pasta anymore.
I have been told that many times, Sharon ( also about curry and gravy ).

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