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Spag Bol

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Vagus | 21:37 Sat 30th Nov 2019 | Food & Drink
86 Answers
followed by Apple lattice pie and homemade custard for us this evening, all shovelled in while watching Strictly with a couple of glasses of pink fizz.
And you??


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. can bung anything in with pasta.
There's creamy, cheesy

I wouldn't mind giving that a try.

pastafreakI never eat pasta anymore.

WOT !, your not a pastafreak anymore ?
Nothing wrong with bolognese but I don't use spaghetti. Macaroni, penne, fusili or conchigle. Much easier, you can eat it with a spoon.
Avatar Image can bung anything in with pasta.

I do like the sound of the cheesy sauce stuff.
Macaroni cheese!!! You must like this surely??
Do you eat noodles, Tony?
Well I do like cauliflower cheese, if it's the same cheesy sauce i'd give macaroni cheese a try, Sharon.
ummmmDo you eat noodles, Tony?

Yes, I love chow mein.
Yeh...not a freak for a few years. It just leaves me bloated :(
But I'll have a bit of lasagne about once a year.
Same sort of thing, Tony.
Ah good reason not to be a freak anymore then, pasta.
the younger albas have a mate who will not give tomatoes house-room lol

Ignore the tomatoes, our kid, just slap on loads of parmesan. (at which point the younger albas leave the room cos of the aroma)

aww, Pasta, I won't start calling you NoPasta, doesn't sound right :-) x
I know, ummmm, it's the tomato sauce that puts me off. But know all this talk of cheese sauce has made me quite fancy giving it a go.
Lol! x
Cheese sauce, white wine sauce, mushroom sauce...the list goes on.
Soya chunks in korma sauce.
Why do you guys eat so late?
I dont eat later than 7
Because that's when we're hungry...well, I am.
Well in my case, piggynose. During the week my lunch breaks are governed by the clock at work which change weekly ie one week morning shift 6-am - 2 pm and then the following week 2pm - 10.30pm, so at weekends I like to eat when I like and not when the clock tells me to eat.
We usually eat around 7pm.

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