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Edinburgh pubs.....

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thedelbwa | 13:59 Wed 28th Feb 2007 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
Best pubs to go to in Edinburgh - going this weekend and don't know it at all. Have a few areas to go to, but no specific pub names.....any ideas...????

Thanks in advance.
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start in rose street .
Then if you like trendy overpriced pubs go to George Street, which runs parallel to Rose Street. Tiger Lily's, the Opal Lounge and La Monde are all very nice! Avoid Lothian Road though as it tends to be a bit rowdy! It's a lovely city, hope you have a great time!
If you are a rugby fan go to The Three Sisters...Its a great pub/club with big screens in the courtyardy type thing...and then go onto George Street as libertie says. We go to Tiger Lily, Opal Lounge and The Dome all the time...they are fantastic for nights out.

Hope you enjoy yourselves and I'm sure you will have a fab time xxx
Star at the Rose Street brewery, then up the steps to the old Town. The Ensign Ewart, just below the Castle is a 'folky' pub. Down the High Street to the Royal Mile Tavern. Further down The End of the World. Back up again & down the Flesh Market to the Halfway House. That should do you.
You could always go down to the Grass Market but that is a bit studenty for my tastes.
Enjoy, I am jealous.
I like the 'Standing Order' on George Street. It's a Wetherspoon's pub (which people generally either love or loathe). It's a big place, with several different rooms, each of which takes on its own character. The drinks are cheap and the haggis, neeps & tatties are great!

You'll have SUCH a great time...Edinburgh's a fantastic city!
I like the Grassmarket, it's got some good bars and cafes and, as it's more of a student-y area, it tends to be much more relaxed than George Street. However, there are some great bars on and around George Street too...Oloroso is, in my opinion, the best bar in Edinburgh. It's on Castle Street, just off the corner with George Street, and you have to look for it as it's quite unassuming! Dragonfly on West Port, just before the Grassmarket, is a great bar too. Nice and relaxed, GREAT cocktails, and just a nice, cosy size. To be honest, a city like Edinburgh is at it's best when you just go out with an open mind, wander around the streets, and discover the bars yourself. I discovered Oloroso one afternoon, purely by chance, and it's been my favourite ever since.

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