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Prime topside of beef!

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divegirl | 10:54 Wed 17th Feb 2010 | Food & Drink
48 Answers
Hi, someone has just given me a 2.1kg topside of beef, it looks absolutley beautiful, but having never cooked one before, how would you lovely people suggest I cook it to do it justice?
I have heard it can be a little tough if cooked wrongly.

Lisa x


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I do mine for a very long time in a very low temp oven.
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mmmm that sounds great, i would cover it in mustard and roast it

i so want roast beef and yorkies now
Sprinkle salt & roast Gas 6 for 1hr if you want this:

Question Author
Ohhhhh....that looks yummy Tamborine!!!
Would I need to 'seal' it first on a higher heat? Cover it with foil at any point.....or just let it mouth is watering now!!!!! lol

Lisa x
Can I come round to yours dinner Lisa?

I've only got pasta tonight because i'm poor :(
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Opps....meant to say....thank you all for your replies and links!

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Well you could Bob, but you'd only get left
This is for tomorrow, I have friends arriving from Glasgow....and although it looks like a huge amout of meat...they have big appetites....but hey, the more the address is......opps phone is ringing......
get stuffed bobjug i'm first!

i would seal then roast but you don't have to and i don't bother with foil

roast potatoes...................... (i'm wimpering now)
put it in roasting tray, 2oz slice of lard on top of joint & sprinkle with salt. (Add mustard before salt? Topside is too good to spoil with mustard).

Add potatoes etc to bake too. All in oven for 1hr no.6 - to get succulant red beef.
Middle of oven - no foil needed.
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no it isn't tambo, it tastes divine

seriously i need to get me some beef now!
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Glad you said that about the mustard as I'm not a great fan.
One other thing.... I'm having to cook a chicken as well [fussy bluddy kid!], would it be OK to cook the beef first and reheat it in a little gravy before serving...or should I do the chicken first?
I sound like a complete incompetant now...but I just like to have the process right in my head. So, beef of chicken first?

Lisa x
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vibes oven may not be big enough div.

Lisa if its just for a kid why not do just the leg or breats, that way wyou can put it in at the same time as the spuds. otherh than that beef first then wrap it in foil and it will be fine
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Do the chicken for 1hr no.6. after beef (better to buy cooked in Tesco for pesky kid ;)

After removing all roasties from tray; add 2tblsp of plain flour to baking tray juices & stir in. Add half can beer & fluid from greens to b.tray & place on low heat, stirring to thicken, add gravy browning (for coloring). yummy gravy.

Slice beef when cold (easier) & pour over hot gravy before serving into HOT plates.
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Good Lord....does nobody feed you lot???????

Your right Mccfluff, my oven is tiny, I think I'll just put the chicken in the side of the beef pan....bit like I did with the Quorn roast and turkey a couple of years ago.....pmsl....don't tell my SIL....mind you, she did say it was the tastiest Quorn roast she'd ever had...... Oh dear....did I just type that!!!!!

Lisa x

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Prime topside of beef!

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