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Roast in bag?

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netibiza | 15:31 Mon 10th May 2010 | Food & Drink
881 Answers
am going to use one tonight for chicken, can I put the potatoes in with the chicken and will they brown, cos if I have to put them in seperately it's not worth using the bag!


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I love these boathouses!
17:08 Sat 05th Feb 2011
Neti ....I had a big fat hot leg which turned extremely nasty if you remember .Go to the doctors .
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Mr N says I am fussing, so will see what happens tomorrow. Advice please, shall I take asprin for the pain or ibroprofen or paracetamol (bearing in mind that I have BP!) or shall I ask sqad!!! :-)
Sounds like a bite or a sting to me neti...get some ice on it & see if the swelling subsides. Take ibuprofen and monitor the situation ...sorry, but that's what he'll say :o)
Evening all. Happy to have been of some small amusement Come on show us what your hair really looks like Robi.

The scratching post man finally found his way here and no I didn't MOON him:) He was the type I simply don't understand; I have one neighbour and one friend like that too and the latter has been the loveliest friend for longer than I care to remember BUT she and pet shop guy share an incapability of understanding why the other person (me) would find it useful to agree on what time to meet. All I knew was that this guy would deliver the goods "in the evening" which to me might mean anything from five to eightish and I was away and wanted to make sure I made it back in time. What does the guy say, he says "I don't understand why we have to decide what time". He was very kind and sweet and everything, just incapable of understanding that other people have things going on in their lives as well. Explain that kind of personality to me, if you can.

Yes Zingo has me around his paw Woofy:) You should see him rolling around with his squeaky, catnip-infused porcupine. When he's on the floor and revolving around his own axis again and again with the porcupine toy in his two paws all the while I swear he looks just like Esther Williams ha ha ha.

Neti what does one do in your neck of the woods should one need one's finger looked at in the middle of the night? Not that one will, probably. Just wondering.
lol Kit....excellent point.....Neti....Kit has spoken!!
ah, a glorious morning here, sun shining, birds singing. Had a wonderful week in the jungles of Cambodia, but tiring as we were on a different flight every day and doing 7am starts (with siesta to catch up on some of the lost sleep, just like in Ibiza). No more planes until April. I think I will hit the big mall down the road today. I haven't had time to catch up with all posts but best wishes to all of those who have ailments, or whose spouses have, or who have accidentally on purpose been injecting themselves with banned drugs and are now starting to regret it.
Hi jno! You sound happy! :)
see neti, even jno thinks you should see the doc
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thanks to Robi's sug that I take ibroprofen, the pain is now easing , so will wait a while

There is a medical centre open 24hrs a day if needed, only 5 min walk away from the casa!

Off to watch Mad dogs.
that's good Neti, can't bear to think of you one handed
Hellooo jnooo! Hope you're having a good time.

Don't panic neti....and tomorrow when it's light enough take a couple of sticks and have a poke around where you were weeding just to see if there's anything lying about. How high up the weed were you grabbing it by the way when you felt something?
And wear tough gloves in future when you're doing your Charlie Dimmock impression...or better still get yourself a hunky gardener.
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I was pulling the damned weeds out from the base, as it was nice and soft cos of the recent rain. I was in my going out clothes as it was a spur of the moment weeding! Never again. I am honestly too scared to look for a hypo, but will do, there shouldn't be anythng like in this area but as it's a very small and private dark lane, one never knows as it could have been thrown there. If I survive the night I'll be on here tomorrow.

Pain and heat are abating!

Hello jno , you sound in good fettle!
We'll take turns to poke you every hour to make sure you're still with us then neti.
Poke, poke, poke. I have had my three turns - I don't want to get up in the night.

Off to bed now. Nite nite xxx

(I reckon it was a giant spider what bit our Nets!!)


Not a horrid picture Neti!!

Don't ever google 'biting spider' though. I have just done so and am likely to have nightmares!!
Good biddies what would you have done http://www.theanswerb...g/Question989532.html
I've posted a quick answer Kit...but I could go on all night.

Oh heck lottie, you used the 's' word...I started to ask about them & changed my mind :o)
<Pokes neti>...are you awake?! Baz's at the door!

Nite nite..sleep tight...mind the....oops, better shuttup
<<pokes Neti>>
Good morning all. Have just taken the boys out for an abbreviated walk with Rab on the lead. Shughy flew off like an angel released, ran miles then came back for his treats like a good'un, Rab pottered with me on the lead and looked wistful. Both are now asleep.
Plumber due again around 08.30.
neti I am glad that the finger is a bit better...when its completely better you will get a telling off for silly behaviour...I do sympathise though, the urge to pull weeds after rain is one of those biddy things that is hard to ignore.
Kit I don't know what i would have done. We did defusing situations training at work and i think the advice would have been to say something sympathetic to the woman but not agree with her abuse of the "have you had a bad day?" Sometimes that works and sometimes it triggers more abuse. With respect to andyvon its okay to go in like a muscular avenging angel but that's risky too...
goodness, woofy, you are out late this fine evening... had a gorgeous day, finished it at the supermarket... 17 different varieties of hummus (I went for roast garlic and sun-dried tomato ahead of lemon and lime), bought a bottle of ginger and lime bitters to have while sitting in the sun tomorrow (ginger and lime bitters, never heard of it, but this part of the world is full of exotic food and drink I have never heard of). A few bottles of top local wine at $9.99 a bottle, that's about 4 pounds 50. Also, it is the apricot season , always the highlight of my year. The downside - predictable, I suppose - is that the button on my jeans seems to have ripped off, so I will have to find a shop that sells buttons individually. There will probably be one.
ripped or burst jno? (grinning) It sounds like you are having a lovely time.....Its chilly, grey and misty here.
if it had burst off, I suspect it would have shot dead the person in front of me...

Nice teriyaki steak for dinner (it comes ready-marinated from the supermarket), and now trying to stay awake for another hour so as to get myself onto local time. But if I don't, what the hell, I am on holiday, I can be my own time zone.

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