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Narnia Nintendo DS

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LoftyLottie | 12:18 Wed 16th Jan 2008 | Gaming
700 Answers
Help!! I am not expert at games but someone has given me a Nintendo DS and I have been enjoying myself with 'Narnia'. I have completed all the quests (apart from the new dwarf cave, which I have found out you can only do after rescuing Edmund)) but am now totally stumped as to how to go about rescuing Edmund. I have been running around Narnia for two evenings in desparation!!

Can anyone out there please give me a pointer in the right direction. I am sure someone aged 7 would laugh at my plight, but age is not on my side.


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Well earlier this year I was a 44D but luckily I lost some of it. They are uncomfortable and do get in the way, and in the heat they get dreadfully sore. I didn't look pregnat from the back either (everyone said it'll be a boy) but I wasn't that big at all, could bend down and touch my toes right through to the end (and not bending knees). I was a big at 5months as I was at 9....
15:18 Wed 10th Nov 2010
haha, love the exercises shaney, brilliant! I've had a pain in my right side for 2days, have you got anything for that...apart from gin? :o)

she'll never look like Francesca Annis tho :o)
Evening poppies. Sorry I can't keep up. To be honest I'm having a bit of a breakdown, I spoke today to the company who are doing the work outside and who had previously said they'd be done by the end of November. Now he says "if we're not done by the end of December we will at least take the wrapping down for Christmas and then we'll put it up again when we continue in January". Okay. I'm officially climbing the walls now. Nobody forces me to leave home every day but I do have to turn the ventilation off (my body tells me so, plus notes down in the entrance tell us to keep the windows closed, so...) ...and once you've done that you really don't want to hang around in just one room. Okay you can feel sorry for me now, but keep it short and don't go on for days;-)

No wonder jno won't show us her knickers, they're totally in line with her username (minor offender something-something juvenile something) Soo, what does numerology have to say about that, jno? I once read an article about how 1 is the most commonly appearing digit of all. Makes sense, when you think about it. *decides to let them think about it*

Shaney I'm like Linda Blair here (think Regan in The Exorcist), will you be posting a detangler tomorrow. Ha ha Neti that was so funny, I loved it when he turned and said "no no" and looked so "real".

Dino De Laurentiis died, he was one of the producer's for my Mum's favourite movie La Strada. She identified with Gelsomina - married to somebody who was not kind and all that:'(
Funny that Robinia .I have a pain in my right side .It comes and goes .It's sort of just below my ribcage .Of course I looked it up on the net and scared myself silly .I think it's actually my ribs ( 'cos I have arthritis in them ) and the muscles round that area hurt or it's IBS which I've had a bout of lately probably due to being very stressed.
Kit you really ought to complain.Who do you complain to in Sveeden ?
Do you not have a residents association .Can you not get something from your doctor to the effect that this is detrimental to your health ( lay it on thick with a shovel ) so that they have to offer you some alternative accommodation until all this crip is finished .
You can't carry on tramping the streets now that it's getting colder .
Haha I've just cracked up Neti .."River Dance ...naked " .
oh my giddy one, it's wild out there. I've just been in the garden with Charlie & he stood there with his ears flapping round & round like propellors, bless him, windy weather makes him wappy. And it drives me completely nuts. It's a good thing it's no colder, puta says 9C.

Kit, I'll feel for you until the whole damned thing is finished, I'd have had a breakdown after the first five days. I agree with shaney, do try & appeal to someone...maybe there are others in the same boat (healthwise).
The 'no, no...' bit is my favourite line in that video...he was a good sport.

I think the pain is 'algia shaney, the whole area hurts to the touch & my hip keeps shouting & making me gasp. I did far too much yesterday I think.
Oh pee po piddle bum, and it's only November.
...about that breakdown, move over Kit I'm with you in the cowering corner...the lights are flickering & charlie's now got the runs...nowt like a good cleaning session to warm one up. The boiler's still having funny moments...well, far from funny to me, I hate gas & anything that runs on it...

beam me up
well, I certainly wouldn't go complaining to the king, he'll be FAR too busy at the sex parties


How very different from the home life of our own dear queen.

(Note to Kit: that last sentence was allegedly the verdict of a theatre reviewer, in Victoria's time, on a performance of Antony and Cleopatra.)
Morning all

Special and very quick sympathetic hug for swedie xx

I've been up and down all night like a yoyo cos the damned cat was in and out and daughter was out, and at 6am i had to collect her as there were no buses and of course she didn't have the car. So am up and about now and on second lot of washing. The cat sleeps on our bed (I hate it but for some reason this "precious" mog has been allowed to! and she makes it smell, I don't think she wees but maybe she leaks and I HATE IT!! We have a modern quilted cover (by that I mean not all silky and embroidered, more American style) but it's too big for a normal washing machine, I do put a cover on it, but somehow it still smells slightly. I have it professionally washed every Spring and put it away for the summer, but this is driving me mad. Am gonna try Neutradol on it this am and hope that freshens it.
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Just a quick hello before I depart for the doctors. Will be back later. I can't see any videos, etc. at the moment, which is driving me made. You are all having at laugh at them and it driving me mad.

Neti, you spoil that girl of yours!! I thought I spoilt my son somewhat, but..........................................
I hope she doesn't take you for granted!

Sympathies to poor Swedie.

Yes I know I do Lottie, but the clubs shut at 5.30 and the first bus is 7am, and its a dark lonely island in the winter, soooooo....................

Now I also spoil the damned cat!

Why is it that the one I want to stay in, goes out, and the one I want to go out, stays in????

Really warm here, just went out in jeans and a cotton shirt, and no wind either.
Another wild and windy day at Shaneytowers and I have to make my weary way to Lidls later for pickled herrings :)
It sure is awfully Pee Poo weather but at least it isn't raining today ...yet .
Hope you are all OK .Hope Charlie is alright Robinia .

What a naughty Sveedish King . Get in quick Kit ,they may have spare rooms at the palace soon :0)
Toodlepip for now ,keep warm all .Net's already warm ..
I'll give her cotton T shirt :)
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I'm back. Went well at the doctors, I have to phone up for antibiotics if I get grotty stuff from my sinuses again, because sinuses are so near the brain!! OMG I shall worry now.

Quick trip to the pet food suppliers and to Llidls and then out for a nice walk with my neighbour and Meggie for an hour. The sun was quite warm actually. Still blue skies but some grey is creeping in and it's getting colder.

Back later.
Yes tis still windy, I've had to double peg me animal prints...keep an eye open just in case shaney :o) Charlie's fine in himself, he was last night...things were just rather 'swift' shall we say. Probably eaten a dodgy offering left by the foxes.

snap Lottie, I'm going to need anti-bios I think, my sinuses have been terrible since that cold, weeks ago now.

Well this is one strange day...I was delayed going to the shops & bumped into someone I hadn't seen for a very long time...stupidly didn't have the courage to say more than hello, (yes, me, gob almighty) so now I'm mostly just sittin', starin' & thinking...idiot.

Hang on in there folks...
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Who was it Robi. I can't imagine you being stuck for words, unless of course they looked at you like this!

Flippin heck Lottie, I don't know whether to drink this water or pour it over me :o)

Oh, it was years ago, a (younger) guy I had a very addictive friendship with over a couple of years...neither of us had the courage to go for it, people are very judgemental. My oldest son loved him & they had a drink together occasionally so that wasn't a problem. We moved on but there was a lot of hurt. Would have been nice to catch up.

Well I was going to have a rant about nurses but where do you start? I live in fear of going into hospital now. Some thankfully are very good, but they seem in the minority. It would be a start if the uniforms were a bit more defined, it was better when you could see at a glance what yr the nurse was & you knew what level of experience to expect.
All the nurses here (male and female) just wear white trousers and white jackets. No honestly, not just the "mad" ones!

Have just had siesta as I was so tired.
ew, no, Lottie, you don't want to blow your nose if bits of brain are going to come out. Even if they just came loose it would be a problem, what with the rattling.

Anyone joined this worthy body?
If I'd known neti, I'd have sung you a lullaby...

(I'll give ya cylinder)
Fancy a free break jno?...actually there could be several....

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