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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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Morning, dark and dismal here too. Having second thoughts about living here, nothing to do but eat!!

Had a lovely quiet night, although from hija's facebook, her hostel was evacuated in the night, no idea why, and all this after she worked 13hrs! Mr N says she must come home if she wants. Luckily she is sharing a room with her two male gay spanish friends, and another spanish girl from Madrid, and hija has 24 and 25th Dec off so the four of them are having a spanish celebration on 24th Dec, they will find it strange having to work on Jan 6th which is the big Xmas in Spain.

Off to various little villages to see their xmas fayres. But sister always changes her mind so until we actualloy get there, I have no idea what we are doing!

Hope all are well and Robi hope the ankle gets better.
Oh Robi in last night's Eastenders you don't think my joey was killed do you? I'll have to find another famous person!!!

Larry Hagman has died of cancer, I liked him.
No neti, he's not dead, you can keep your pic. (It's not easy to see it's him). Have you looked for Joey Branning on google images?....oooooh!

Yes, very sad about Larry Hagman.

oh booger, now my back's starting to seize up...looks like it's going to be be one o' them days....
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Have a nice day round the villages Neti .
I feel less shivery today thank goodness .I thought I was coming down with the lurgy .
Take it easy Robinia .You can always butt kick another day .
I can deputise :)
ha, I'll point and you kick shaney :) I'm sitting here holding a hot pack to my back. I have those days when I just can't get warm, no matter what.
Fog outside has finally cleared...can't say the same for my foggy brain :) It's a right let down, yesterday was so lovely, I did a bit of snipping (hence the bad back I suppose) before gardener came and mowed for the last time this yr.

I'd better see what xmas cards I've got left from last year... sigh
cold, wet... cover me in elephant poo please, Robinia, that might warm me up a bit.
A belated goodday to you all.

I am falling asleep over my knitting in front of the woodburner. Funnily enough I couldn't get warm all day yesterday and was full of catarrh and coldy feeling this morning. Now I am just plain dozey. More so than normal.

I ran myself a bath this morning in an effort to ease the aches and pains. It takes an age to fill our bath, so I left the bathroom to do a few things. Guess who had forgotten to put the plug in!!! I am so used to showers. Managed a bath in the end and made myself sit in it for 15 mins as prescribed. It was torture. I hate baths. Can't get in or out of them without a struggle and hate sitting in hot water!!

It was quite a nice morning after a misty start, now it is cold and raining again.
Just back with soaking wet feet! No we didn't do the villages as too wet, just the normal shops, had cheesey chips in a lovely cafe by seafront where there is a delicious older man called Jimi, who is Iranian but so very gentle and nice and polite, I always get a hug and a kiss, the other diners look very surprised! The wind and rain was something else, and the sea was toing and froing, I videoed it so on a hot August day I can feel fresh! (If I am not here). Mr N is surviving nicely on his own, just roasted a whole leg of lamb for himself, so why doesn't he do that when i am there?

Did hair yesterday and not a lot of difference, so am having another go in a min, cannot stand this ash look, just looks dull and grey to me!

Friends round for dinner tonight, sister is cooking, I am doing the cabbage a la neti! although cannot find Knorr onion soup in packets here or crispy fried onions. Am using Ainsly Harriott's dried french onion soup. I didn't realise that you can't get half the stuff here.

Hope you are all OK, Really don't think I could live here all winter, well not unless I had oodles of money so could shop everyday!
Evenin all...well today wasn't worth showering and getting dressed for....I hate baths too, uncomfortable things they are. No sooner had the fog cleared than it piddled down. Then I got a blinding sinus headache just to make it a hat trick of pain.
In the meantime I'll live my life through you neti...please snog any men, preferably young, handsome and shaven, on my behalf. I think a lot of men are more than capable of domesticity. Amazingly after he left my ex found he could clean, cook, wash, iron and probably knit the baby a bonnet...(with his 2nd wife it was a case of having to, so I was told)

<wonders what cabbage a la neti could sprouts cooked for 3 hours maybe?>

Prepare to be warmed up jno were only supposed to get one cartoon.
Fireworks....need I say more?
fireworks?? They must be very damp squibs
noisy jno and quite unnecessary. We segued straight from fireworks into a howling gale so not the best night ever. Heigh ho we are all fine.
Morning all. What a stormy and windy night, the wind is still blowing like mad. Sounds like a train. Had friends round for dinner last night, it was a hoot, I drank a whole bottle of Piesporter on my own, we laughed, we discussed and we had fun and a delicious meal. Fell into bed at 1.30!

Cabbage a la neti Robi, is shredded cabbage lighted sauteed in butter (or marg) then some packet onion soup mixed in, and let it simmer, but cabbage should still be crunchy. Mine wasn't but they all still liked it.

Lightened hair yet again, it looks a tad lighter but I just cannot get rid of this horrible ash colour.

Have to get up now, canhear the others moving!

Poor Robi how awful to feel crip, and I hope that shaney and lottie are feeling better also. jno never seems to ail! and jude is leaping about with her friends.
Say goodbye to Joey, he's going!!!
can't imagine why anyone would want to go out setting off fireworks on a night like last night, woofgang. Was it Chinese Respect for the Storm Gods Night or something?

Oh dear, neti, have you got ash dieback in your hair? Never mind, maybe the wind will do something for it
Hanging on for dear life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might get blown away if I don't. What a dreadful night and severe weather warnings here until midday (which it nearly is) I have just gotten up!!! Nothing inspiring to get up for................................

Why did Joey go Nets!!
Joey went cos I am vain and I didn't look too good in the piccy!!
Just lost a long post.

Mr N emailed me to say that my budgie Alfie Moon (aka Twirtley) was found dead on the bottom of the cage this am, he didn't call me as he was worried I would berat him, as if!! He wanted to save the body til my return but I said it would go manky and be ant-ridden unless it went in the freezer so he is burying it next to Charlie the cat. I have just bought new mirrors and swings! Will return them in the morning. I've had Twirtly for 16 yrs!
Morning all...bright 'n sunny here now but it's been very wild. There were fireworks here too last night! What the...??!!
Still feel bloomin' awful but I can't stay in bed any later than about 7.45, it just makes me feel worse.

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