@locusts - I am sorry i really do not understand your last points.
But Planets and Asteroids with water. OK,
we know there are some,planets and asteroids in the cosmos.
Why should automatically have life as we recognise it ?
1 Some FORM of life over thousands of years) ??,
Who do you think says that should be the case?
There will be many factors that govern how life starts and evolve.
2 I see where back to the chicken / syndrome/ which came first the chicken or the egg
Water is a very important one, but there are others - atmosphere, gravity, temperate climate to name but a few.
3 Yes but we have all these on earth to ( atmosphere, gravity, temperate climate
And whats this stuff about planets and asteroids with water "travelling at the speed of light"
Okay slipped off the tongue //but you got the message
I know of no - one, anywhere, ever, that has claimed that planets or asteroids travel at the speed of light
4 It doesn't matter how fast or slow asteroid it is going
for how big planet -s
to hits the earth at high-speed
I'm sure if an asteroid hit the earth it would calls a lot of damage or even destroy it
Specially for you .LazyGun . I hope you understand //now what I'm trying to say thank you --by by
1. Do thoughts travel faster than light › ... › Science › Physics › Speed of Light - Cached
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The speed of thought is slower than the speed of action! Light travels at nearly 300,000,000 (three. Do asteroids travel faster than light? No, nothing travels faster