Food & Drink0 min ago
Why Did We Shoot Spies?
Why did we execute spies? What harm could they do once we’d locked them up? Why didn’t we treat them like other POWs?
Was it just habit?
Was it just habit?
This is interesting.
http:// diction ary.sen sagent. com/Tre achery% 20Act%2 01940/e n-en/
Theland - // A deterrent? //
Possibly - but in the same way that I believe that Capital Punishment is not a 'deterrent', and for exactly the same reason - I don't believe that anyone embarks on a career as a spy expecting to be caught.
But more likely in the case of a spy, the risks of being found, and the consequences, will have been explained in advance, so anyone who continues is aware of what they are getting into/
Possibly - but in the same way that I believe that Capital Punishment is not a 'deterrent', and for exactly the same reason - I don't believe that anyone embarks on a career as a spy expecting to be caught.
But more likely in the case of a spy, the risks of being found, and the consequences, will have been explained in advance, so anyone who continues is aware of what they are getting into/
This document (para 5, page 3.2) seems to say that spies do not have the status of prisoners of war.
https:/ /assets .publis rvice.g overnme nt/uplo ads/sys tem/upl oads/at tachmen t_data/ file/61 9906/20 17-0471 4.pdf
As 'Unlawful combatants', spies have less protection under the Geneva Convention thn normal soldiers/combatants. However, the GC still insists they should not be murdered.
http:// www.un. org/en/ genocid epreven tion/do cuments /atroci ty-crim es/Doc. 33_GC-I V-EN.pd f
Seems this was honoured more in the breach
The brutal answer? because they could.
As 'Unlawful combatants', spies have less protection under the Geneva Convention thn normal soldiers/combatants. However, the GC still insists they should not be murdered.
Seems this was honoured more in the breach
The brutal answer? because they could.
Yes, but one reason why POWs were treated well by both Allied and Nazi captors was so that the OTHER side would have some obligation to do the same.
And an air crew could and did kill hundreds, sometimes more (Dresden, Hamburg, Tokyo) on a single raid, so the number of attributable deaths argument doesn’t hold up.
And an air crew could and did kill hundreds, sometimes more (Dresden, Hamburg, Tokyo) on a single raid, so the number of attributable deaths argument doesn’t hold up.