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Blair, Corbyn And Pinochet Thatcher

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gulliver1 | 18:06 Sun 02nd Jan 2022 | History
250 Answers
The Tories seem to have conveniently forgotten . That when they call Corbyn and Blair terrorists.
Thatcher was not just a terrorist sympathiser but was also very close friends with one.
Thatcher gave very strong support to "Torture in Chief" General Pinochet of Chile, and called him a true friend.
She even invited him to tea at Downing St. She also personally lobbied against a terrorist prosecution for his war crimes.She personally conducted the whitewashing of his Terrorist Regime
Pinochet overthrew an elected Government in Chile to gain power and was supported by Thatcher.
Thatcher also classed Nelson Mandela's ANC as a Terrorist Organisation.
.....................Let them without sin cast the first stone.....................


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“ Please don't refer to Boris Johnson as Peppa Pig. It's antagonistic” Why are we worried about offending a cartoon pig?
11:17 Thu 06th Jan 2022
roy - // I thought telling ABers about Site Rules was Corby's job? //

naomi always moans at me for doing it, perhaps she thinks it is her job - ?

Not that she's qualified in any way, but that's never been an obstacle to people posting on here - and yes, I do include myself in that!!
But as senior mod, I expect it from you, andy.
Not my job, AH, which is why I don’t do it. I leave that to the Eds. What qualifications do mods need?
Thick skins?
roy - // But as senior mod, I expect it from you, andy. //

I am not 'senior mod', just the longest serving and one of the first - there is no hierarchy involved.
And a supply of apples.
naomi - // What qualifications do mods need? //

I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you, and then myself.
Please keep to the topic of the OP.
naomi - "Not your job"?

What about this from earlier this morning -

// Corby, I don't think that's right. I'm pretty sure mods can remove threads. Imagine if someone posted something absolutely gross when the Eds are snoozing - and it's happened. Mods must have the facility to remove it. //
Thought so.
Apologies Ed - will do.
Spare Ed, not sure what track it’s on anymore , it makes Newcastle central station look like Spaghetti junction :0/
AH, that doesn't relate to 'the rules'.
//Thatcher also classed Nelson Mandela's ANC as a Terrorist Organisation.//
well they werent exactly a knitting circle,were they ?

and I have to apologise to Roy who I understand is from Australia (sozza woy! sez PP) I will try to make my posts more consonant with the level of AB

-- answer removed --
Is that an example of irony
Gulliver you just don’t get it do you ? It was NOT news and by the way I never reported it , I said what I had to right here!
Calm down Gullie, everyone has an opinion.
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16.54 ....Irony...
arent you supposed to refer to people by their preferred username? i seem to remember hearing that somewhere ad infinitum ...

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