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Blair, Corbyn And Pinochet Thatcher

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gulliver1 | 18:06 Sun 02nd Jan 2022 | History
250 Answers
The Tories seem to have conveniently forgotten . That when they call Corbyn and Blair terrorists.
Thatcher was not just a terrorist sympathiser but was also very close friends with one.
Thatcher gave very strong support to "Torture in Chief" General Pinochet of Chile, and called him a true friend.
She even invited him to tea at Downing St. She also personally lobbied against a terrorist prosecution for his war crimes.She personally conducted the whitewashing of his Terrorist Regime
Pinochet overthrew an elected Government in Chile to gain power and was supported by Thatcher.
Thatcher also classed Nelson Mandela's ANC as a Terrorist Organisation.
.....................Let them without sin cast the first stone.....................


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“ Please don't refer to Boris Johnson as Peppa Pig. It's antagonistic” Why are we worried about offending a cartoon pig?
11:17 Thu 06th Jan 2022
lol douglas, but am thinking we all (well apart from TTT) know what it really stands for from the way its used, but presumably thats history now...
ToraToraTora, something was done as soon as I was back to work and saw the reports. I changed the category!
"I have reported this entire thread early on twice but nothing was done."

The thread started on Sunday and yesterday was a Bank Holiday.

Do you expect one of the EDs to be looking in every day?
Corby //Do you expect one of the EDs to be looking in every day?//
Were there no mods here during that period?
mods cant move posts
Bednobs //mods cant move posts//
No, but they can remove them.
The mods would have no reason to remove this thread. It doesn't break Site Rules.
er let us for a change get back to the core matter

500 000 signatures against ( the sirship)
I am sure that his wife's fortune from earnings will make up for it

' there is no one who deserves less this honour....' oo-re protester !
DANNY, he mentioned the entire thread, not individual posts and only the EDs can move a thread.

Corby, I don't think that's right. I'm pretty sure mods can remove threads. Imagine if someone posted something absolutely gross when the Eds are snoozing - and it's happened. Mods must have the facility to remove it.
Sorry Corby, I misread that. You said 'move' - not 'remove'. Apologies.
Corby // only the EDs can move a thread.//
Sorry Coirby but you are mistaken, mods canremove threads.

Danny, Corby said 'move' - not 'remove'. He means moving a thread from one section to another.
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..................................Oh Dear................................
Naomi, thanks.Mea Culpa.
10:35: "The mods would have no reason to remove this thread. It doesn't break Site Rules. " - err what about this one:
"Users attempting to spam or "troll" the website will have their account terminated. " - almost all of his posts are trolling.
Hopefully this being moved to history might make Gulliver think twice about creating an historical piece in News ?
Mores the pity there wasn’t a ‘Wind-Up ‘ category!
TTT - // 10:35: "The mods would have no reason to remove this thread. It doesn't break Site Rules. " - err what about this one:
"Users attempting to spam or "troll" the website will have their account terminated. " - almost all of his posts are trolling. //

Clearly your opinion of what actually constitutes 'trolling', and that of the Ed and Moderators, are at odds.

And since the Ed has already confirmed that the thread does not contravene Site Rules, maybe it's best to just let it lie.
I thought telling ABers about Site Rules was Corby's job?
Am I not allowed a break now and again?

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