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Blair, Corbyn And Pinochet Thatcher

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gulliver1 | 18:06 Sun 02nd Jan 2022 | History
250 Answers
The Tories seem to have conveniently forgotten . That when they call Corbyn and Blair terrorists.
Thatcher was not just a terrorist sympathiser but was also very close friends with one.
Thatcher gave very strong support to "Torture in Chief" General Pinochet of Chile, and called him a true friend.
She even invited him to tea at Downing St. She also personally lobbied against a terrorist prosecution for his war crimes.She personally conducted the whitewashing of his Terrorist Regime
Pinochet overthrew an elected Government in Chile to gain power and was supported by Thatcher.
Thatcher also classed Nelson Mandela's ANC as a Terrorist Organisation.
.....................Let them without sin cast the first stone.....................


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“ Please don't refer to Boris Johnson as Peppa Pig. It's antagonistic” Why are we worried about offending a cartoon pig?
11:17 Thu 06th Jan 2022
Atheist - not once did I say I proved you wrong.

You were hoisted by your own petard.
My word Atheist, you're starting to make Gully look rational. You're comparing a war against an invading country to a genocide of an indigenous people. Seriously man, get a grip.
DD ; 20:09
"Atheist - when you’re proven to be wrong, the best options are to either not respond or have the swingers to admit it you are wrong.
The worst thing is to try, and fail, to prove your wrongness."

Obviously I misunderstood your post. Perhaps someone else had proved me wrong. My comment about your coarse language still stands; that's not the way to have a civilised discussion.
Pinochet was a dictator, Galtieri was a dictator, but only one of them decided to invade the territory of the United Kingdom.
Chile was a great help during the Falklands war/conflict.

Couldn't stand Thatcher as people on here with half an ounce will know.
Neither could I and I voted Tory !
What coarse language Atheist? If I had used course language I have no doubt a mod would have zapped my post.

Put simply, you are wrong. The mature thing would be admit you are wrong.

I get why you’d want to defend your wrong position, but you’re still wrong.

Get over it mate.
DD you said I should have the balls to accept that I was wrong. I am tempted to say that you didn't have the balls to use the b word so you called it swingers. I haven't got the time to waste on someone who insults without making any rational point.
Actually you do, and you're doing it now.
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Deskdiary do you think you could try and stay with the topic of the of my post, and kindly refrain from using my thread as a slagging match, thank you.
Gulliver your wind ups crack me up , hilarious :0))))
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22.00 It is annoying though Bobbi
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Often wonder if Mark Thatcher still use the title he inherited from his Father Dennis, who should have never had the title bestowed on him to start with.
.....Sir Mark Thatcher Gun runner & arms supplier .....
Gulliver....I won't sleep well tonight until I know if this obsession with Mark Thatcher is something new....or has it been brooding deep down for some time?
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Gness @22.57 You can think anything you like .
The point of my post is to remind those Dyed in the wool Tory Supporters who were calling Tony Blair a terrorist and a warmonger and should not recieve a knighthood from her Maj
That they should get their own house in order first before critisising others
hi Gull
happy new year
god you can really get on the av Abers tits
Oh - - - giving Bliar a sir-ship?
shows the innate rotten ness of the honours systems
The boy Mark is an OAP gun runner innit?
Well I was about to reply, Gulliver, but I spotted Peter Pedant had posted.
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P/[email protected] ...And a very very wealthy OAP ..Said to be worth £60m
Gully when you agree and talk pp speke, your credibility goes to an all time low, unless of course you’re on the same wavelength as he is ? Which would mean no one understands a thing you say

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