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Blair, Corbyn And Pinochet Thatcher

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gulliver1 | 18:06 Sun 02nd Jan 2022 | History
250 Answers
The Tories seem to have conveniently forgotten . That when they call Corbyn and Blair terrorists.
Thatcher was not just a terrorist sympathiser but was also very close friends with one.
Thatcher gave very strong support to "Torture in Chief" General Pinochet of Chile, and called him a true friend.
She even invited him to tea at Downing St. She also personally lobbied against a terrorist prosecution for his war crimes.She personally conducted the whitewashing of his Terrorist Regime
Pinochet overthrew an elected Government in Chile to gain power and was supported by Thatcher.
Thatcher also classed Nelson Mandela's ANC as a Terrorist Organisation.
.....................Let them without sin cast the first stone.....................


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“ Please don't refer to Boris Johnson as Peppa Pig. It's antagonistic” Why are we worried about offending a cartoon pig?
11:17 Thu 06th Jan 2022
in 1998 while receiving medical treatment in London, Pinochet was arrested on an Interpol Red Notice, for human rights violations committed in his native Chile, by a Spanish magistrate Garzón on 10 October. after the ensuing 16months of legal wrangling, during which a good proportion of the charges were ruled offside, the Law Lords concluded Pinochet should be extradited to Spain the answer the charges.

However, the labour government of the time thought different, overruled the law lords and returned him to Chile.

Pinochet was in the grasp of justice, but Labour let him slip away.
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B/S @10.25........"when you agree and talk pp speke".........................
............................"no one understands a thing you say "...................

.......As you were a saying Bobbi.
so it was the war Criminal Tony Blair that let Pinochet go then mushroom, how interesting.
Birds of a feather!
//so it was the war Criminal Tony Blair that let Pinochet go then mushroom, how interesting.//

In fairness Tora, you do keep on saying that Blair was Tory in everything but the party he lead, so maybe that proves it. ;-)
PP speke which no one understands.......
unfortunately for me - I understand everything Bobbi says - that is my millstone.....

anyway - back to the point

during which a good proportion of the charges were ruled offside, the Law Lords concluded Pinochet should be extradited to Spain the answer the charges.

this is the case where it was accepted that one Law Lord was compromised and the whole thing had to be heard again

try reading it BB - it'll be another thing you can't understand !
mozz: "In fairness Tora, you do keep on saying that Blair was Tory in everything but the party he lead, so maybe that proves it. ;-) " - he was Tory Lite, or "Wet" as we used to say like Ted Heath and I hate them more than Labour.
Ahh, not Tory enough for this to stick, but too Tory to be considered a Labour PM. Righteo.
Blair’s father came from quite humble beginnings and was active and interested in the communist party then the Conservatives party , quite an interesting read
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Think the most serious War Criminal in modern history, must be Thatcher.
Sending those young lads out to the Falklands some never to return,
to fight over a piece of land ,that most Brits had never even heard of.
....................... Just to save her own Political skin..................Disgusting and Evil
Phew! Was just going to post a cutting response there but remembered by NY resolution in time!
Gulliver, The Falkland Islands are a self-governing British Overseas Territory. The islands were invaded by Argentina so what would you have had our Goverment do?
the day after the falklands invasion by Argentina, parliament was recalled to emergency session, the first time this had occurred on a saturday for many years. parliamentary proceedings were available to radio broadcasters, and i listened along with students at Bradford Uni. the transcript is here:-

most illuminating is the speech at 11h45, delivered by Michael Foot, MP for Ebbw Vale and at the time, leader of the opposition, and the winding up speech by John Nott at 1h45. neither the government as a whole, nor the prime minister individually, acted unilaterally; instead the military action that followed had the full support of the opposition, as delivered by John Silkin, shadow leader of the house.
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Thatcher couldn't believe her luck, when the Falkland conflict came into her sights..... it was like a gift from heaven to her ... her prayers were answered.
I fully endorsed the sending of our troops to protect an overseas territory, what would you have done Gully “ Arh that’s okay, I’ve never been there so go on Argentina fill ya boots,” you come across as not having a feeling bone in your body for any British person ,in fact you come across a someone who hates the British ( notability I did not say the English )
Still waiting for Gulliver to answer my post at 12.04.
This thread is even more ridiculous than Gulliver's usual offerings.
Danny , he doesn’t do answering unless it’s insults , I’m hoping tomorrow that this will be moved to another category as it’s not News
Yes, it should be moved to History because that’s what it is , I recall being told pre Christmas I should use that particular sub category when I posted anything about it
If Gully had had his way/wish, we would all be saying 'Las Malvinas son argentinas por pacifistas como Gulliver' - he's also forgetting that Argentina was invaded by the Spanish and has also seen intrusions from stroppy Welsh emigrés in substantial numbers.....

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