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Blair, Corbyn And Pinochet Thatcher

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gulliver1 | 18:06 Sun 02nd Jan 2022 | History
250 Answers
The Tories seem to have conveniently forgotten . That when they call Corbyn and Blair terrorists.
Thatcher was not just a terrorist sympathiser but was also very close friends with one.
Thatcher gave very strong support to "Torture in Chief" General Pinochet of Chile, and called him a true friend.
She even invited him to tea at Downing St. She also personally lobbied against a terrorist prosecution for his war crimes.She personally conducted the whitewashing of his Terrorist Regime
Pinochet overthrew an elected Government in Chile to gain power and was supported by Thatcher.
Thatcher also classed Nelson Mandela's ANC as a Terrorist Organisation.
.....................Let them without sin cast the first stone.....................


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“ Please don't refer to Boris Johnson as Peppa Pig. It's antagonistic” Why are we worried about offending a cartoon pig?
11:17 Thu 06th Jan 2022
// Thatcher couldn't believe her luck //

the conservative government's poll rating was enhanced by the way victory was achieved swiftly but it wasn't a foregone conclusion, particularly with the lukewarm attitude of some allies.

without the war, labour were unlikely to have won the ensuing election, having fought it on the "Longest Suicide Note in History" manifesto which included, oddly enough Gulliver, withdrawal from the EU. departure of a number of senior figures to the SDP, effectively dividing the party, wouldn't have helped.
// Thatcher couldn't believe her luck //

Gulliver knows that because he keeps in regular contact with Prime Ministers.
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The 74 day Falkands War became Thatchers....Moment,. she marched of to War
...Not herself, or family members of course, ..And it won her an election..
123 posts on a reported thread that has nothing to do with News
I think someone was right when they said that gully is related to the Ed who allows him to post in order to generate revenue ! Lol
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"When you are a Hated Leader .War is a cure all"
..........Don't tell Boris for gods sake........
Gulliver1 isn't related to anyone who works at AB Towers and the user doesn't get any special treatment.

If you feel a question or answer goes against Site Rules then report the content to me and I will assess it.

May I remind members that it has not been a working day since 5pm last Friday. You can't expect an old Gnome to be monitoring the inbox on New Years Day or a Sunday!
"Gulliver1 isn't related to anyone who works at AB Towers and the user doesn't get any special treatment. " - then how does he get away with repetitive insulting drivel every day and of course personally insulting people. Ditto PP. How is he never suspended? He's far worse than me.
If you can report their content and state the site rule that is broken, I'll be more than happy to take a look into it.
Do you report the offending posts though TTT?
For example when gulliver1 calls you TGT.
Ed. Gulliver posts his obsessions with Boris Johnson and the Tory party on threads that have nothing to do with that.
Then report the answers for being "Off Topic" and I will take action.
Thank you Ed.
This thread is now in the "History" category.
"Do you report the offending posts though TTT? " - yes al the time.
bob: "For example when gulliver1 calls you TGT. " - well I have no clue what that means but he seems to be allowed to get away with it.
Snowflake alert
Gulliver1, do not refer to ToraToraTora as TGT.

Now that I have said this publicly, the moderators will know what to do if they see any instances of TTT being referred to as TGT.
Wot about 'woy' being called woy nearly has me in tears ;0(
I have reported this entire thread early on twice but nothing was done.
Does this mean we have to type out The Great Tora in full every time from now then?

Supplemental: Could someone deal with the use of EUSSR?


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