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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
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Morning all
It's already boiling hot . Hope you're all Ok .
That sounds like some kind of flare up Robinia .I'm convinced my gippy tum is connected to my ologys.I hope you soon feel better.
We've been in the news ..
Seems I'm not the only rare bird round here
Yes shaney, insides and out, it can all be connected.
Don't you have the urge to pop up in front of all those cameras?...what do they call it? Photobombing? :) They can come and see the great nit in Derby. We have camera interest today if you're into plane spotting, an airbus is going over this afternoon.

Boiling here too, Twas hot at 4 am so we didn't go out today. must stir in a minute though.
Where is you all, frying eggs on the path? Oooh it's too hot in the sun. I only just managed to stand in it on my front long enough to see the Airbus doing a low flying demo, it fascinates me. How anything so big can go so slowly and stay up there I've no idea, and its so quiet.
Here I be! we all went for paella, it was lovely especially the wine! so I lollopped in the pool, then cleaned hija's room, so many clothes just laying around, so all tideid away now, it makes me feel better and I changed her bedding! She got the 3.30 bus to Sant antoni to meet her DJ (yes another one!) boyfriend. I came to bed to watch Come Dine with Me and promptly fell asleep. Now eating cherries and watching The Chase. So stinking hot, I always forget how hot and humid it gets! Mr N is so happy he can now watch the golf.
When I first came here in July '71, mum and I did fry an egg on the patio tiles, I was amazed, but not so impressed these days! I honestly can't remember if one of us ate it, but times were hard so I guess we didn't waste it! Probably gave it to my bro and didn't tell him!!
Lol neti...and how many times has Mr n eaten a sausage that had been on the floor? Of course I'd never do that....

Good Chase tonight, not a lot of money but it was lively.
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I am posting this from my tablet:))
Well done Shaney. I am on my phone.
oh well done shaney the techy whizz
evening all, home and a little battered, trip started with me reaching for a doodad on the bottom shelf at Kmart and instead of getting up just falling flat on my back. It wasn't a faint, I wasn't too stiff to get up, my body decided to ignore my brain's orders. I decided to put it down to altitude (this was mile-high Denver) and BP but will discuss it with the mexico next week.

Ended with nearly hitting another car on the freeway while meandering between lanes at 50mph in the dark. OH has admitted to not really seeing very well while driving at night, and will not be invited to do so again.

I hope all are doing well, preferably with non-blind spouses.
Its all go with you isn't it jno? Give OH a smack round the head from me, we can't afford to lose any members!
Welcome jno, or what is left of you! I cannot drive at night either!
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Welcome back Jno.Hope you had a lovely time in spite of the mishaps.
This tablet is fab. I' ve already downloaded a book from the library system .
Am sitting in bed with it !
Don' t worry , I won't email you all in the middle of the night to tell you I can't
Goodnight all.

Ha ha they are addictive Shaney.
I am fed up fed up. It looks like my dishwasher had died.
We are sitting up tonight because heavy rain is forecast with maybe thunder. I am waiting to see what the rain is going to be like before settling for the night.
I'm here as well, lol. I thought my bedroom seemed cool until I came up here. I'll have the rain and thunder woofy, push it over here.

Welcome back jno, hope you had a good holiday in between the toppling and the near death experience. Looking forward to the pics...of the scenery I mean, not of you flat on your back in kmart. Your slippers are in the fridge.

Haha... just seeing if you'd nodded off :)
we did get the thunder and lighting but not much rain. Dogs were quite unhappy but not full on panic so that was okay. Amazing sky over the city though (Its directly opposite my house with the river mouth in between.) Sheets of lightning over the city, no thunder, no rain, just the whole sky lit up in flashes.
Morning sun yet so it's very cool and fresh here, we had a shower of rain in the night and again just now but I'm not sure it'll turn to storms.

good morning all. we finally went o bed at 5am...dogs are taking the air but I think we'll be back to sleep soon.
wanders in.....wanders out.....goes back to sleep......

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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