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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
don't know, neti, I will ask my mexico about it as I have an appointment on Monday (which I booked 3 weeks ago, of course, to discuss something completely different). I didn't black out, I distinctly remember thinking why am I doing this? I was a little dizzy when I finally got up, so it's probably just something to do with getting up too quickly. Or maybe I forgot to put a florin in the meter. The Neti Pot was right next to me, that's when I saw it.
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That looks as if it's pretty bad in places Woofy .No storms here as yet .
I hope it's nothing life threatening Jno .Probably a touch of the dizzy wizzys .
It's a Biddy thing :)
that's going to be very useful to me as I can see where the front is going, looks like a quiet night for us tonight :)
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I hope so Woofy .
Goodnight all and woofers.
good night Shaney, have you taken your tablet to bed?
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Lol....yes am in bed with the gadget. Going to read a bit then BONGBING Robinia at midnight....
I thought you might be. After my sis and I have gone to bed we message each other....even when she is staying here!
puts bingbonger on silent :)

Phew it's muggy, I keep hearing rumbling in the distance but it could be planes.
aaand we are up again, settled to sleep at 1am, up again at 4 am. Getting a bot bored with this weather now.
Good morning, can't sleep way too hot. So am having a cuppa. Hope you are all in the land of nod!
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Morning all
Thunder and lightning ,sloshing with rain .Really muggy .
Just having a cuppa too Neti .
Good morning earlybidds, have we all made it through the rain? It was hammering down at 4am but I didn't hear any storms. Seems we have that to look forward to this afternoon.
Everything in the house feels sticky, I might slap some photos on the walls and throw darts at them.. :)
I keep forgetting to say I love the lightning site woofy, how did you find that, I thought I'd seen an obsessive amount of weather sites but I'd missed that one?
good morning, sticky and grey here. Not as much rain as forecast though.
Robi I got that website off a facebook friend.
ah, right, I don't do much facebooking.

I keep expecting a post from shaney on her smartphone...'I'm at the market, by the fruit, squeezing the plums' :)
To quote the little tot I saw running alongside his dad yesterday 'I'm soaked!' Bless, neither of them had jackets on...I was upstairs trying to make a duster work and it made me chuckle.
well I'm not actually soaked now but I was...half the people out there haven't got jackets on either, I think they're enjoying the cool rain.

Hope you're ok in Norfolk, I heard a report about a very bad storm over there. Hope there aren't any storms/power cuts when Jesse Stone's on later...about 2.20 I think. I can't be having him go from smouldering to a fizzle.
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Bingbong ....I was eyeing up the cream cakes at the bakers actually .Didn't go to the market today ,just over to Carlton Colville for bread etc with action man :)
It's brightened up here now but I think there may be more storms later.
I'm keeping a weather eye on Woofys map .

Hello again, I went back to sleep after the cuppa this morning. Then we did the shopping, it is so hot and humid, I feel everso dizzy, but stupid fool that I am I rushed off out again for coffee with gbf, which was fun, then I went round and round the same old shops looking for long white curtains for the new bedding, but when I find some, I think, well I do have some at home already! so don't buy them. I could hardly walk home I was so thirsty and dizzy, kept stopping in the rare bits of shade, almost called Mr N to come and get me, but I and stoic so battled on, collapsing as soon as I got home. But after guzzling litres of water I jumped (well limped ) into the pool and cooled off for a few mins. Is it getting hotter or is it old age? I want to change my bedding over to the new lot, but just do not have the energy and it was clean on Monday so will wait til next Monday! Not planning on cooking anything at all, just crusty bread and whatever.

Yes woofy I love that thunder website. Mr N was saying that the golf in Liverpool was expecting storms so I looked at website and lo and behold (I love saying that) there are no storms, he wouldn't believe it, but they haven't appeared yet. Eastbourne had a terrible time of it last night.

Am not back in coolish bedroom, would love to put the air con on, but don't think we can afford it! I missed 2nd part of Corrie last night due to Celebrity Masterchef, so am downloading it now.

Hope you are all dry and cool!!
mmph, well got to 5am (10pm Laramie time) unsleepy so gave up and took a Pill and have slept through to lunchtime. I would like to get back to Jno Standard Time one of these days. Rained lots in the night but I don't think there was much in the way of donner und blitzen.

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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