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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 20:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
16:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
cashew nut butter, the food of the gods.
I have got a crab coming with my waitrose order.
Evening all, sorry for my tardiness.

Yes sad news about Robin Williams, he wasn't my favourite but I loved and still love Mrs Doubtfire.

Been busy, I got my new 2-in1 stick hoover, it cost £17. + tax + postage so in the end I paid 49€ which is why I do not liek Amazon. But the Duronic is fab and so light, it is a small bagless hoover and it filled the bag up immediately, how embarrassing.

I also got the 7" phablet, it has been charging under the bed, not sure how to tell Mr N about it yet, so will mess with it tomorrow when he is out. He feels better now thank heavens.

I love fried peanut butter and banana sandwich but it didn't make Elvis too healthy so I rarely have it, but it is delicious.
Morning all...sunny but a real feel of 10C! tut...

I see the world's lost another big star, Lauren Bacall, stunning lady. I suppose that means there'll be one more before the week is out.

Better move, rain on the way and I'm out of sunflower hearts, the goldfinches will be banging their pretty beaks on the window.
Good morning, am using my phablet. Love it.

How are things today? Hija is coming home after being on ,mainland for a week, off to Dubaion Monday!
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Morning all
A tad cool here too but nice and sunny .
Not many of these great old movie stars left now .Bogie and Bacall ,wonderful
hello all. We all caught up on our sleep today, Shughy has decided he isn't quite caught up yet. Its nice here, sunny and breezy not too windy or too hot.
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Mr S has steam coming out of his ears.
We switched gas and leccy suppliers recently ,paid the final bill which they took by DD and then they took it again ! When we asked them to refund it they said it would take 70 days to do so ,so Mr S went to the bank and had the DD reversed and cancelled .They've now sent us a letter saying they will be sending a final bill shortly and if we don't pay it they could possibly inform other companies of our failure to pay which will affect our credit rating ...cheeky bgrs !!
He's banned me from ringing them up :)
why? Why not let you have some fun?
I've heard stories like that so many times shaney, it's one of the reasons I stay where I am. I don't think I can be much better off anyway, it seems like swings and roundabouts. One of my neighbours had such a trial with bills when when she changed suppliers.
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He knows I'll lose my rag that's why .I'll let him deal with it .He likes everything in writing anyway .
He's muttering away to himself ...

when the nhs trust i worked for decided to change suppliers on a regular basis to save money it became 25% of one blokes job to do it, from the research and negotiation to making sure it all happened correctly. in the end they gave up.
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Everything is so complicated these days .They'll be doing uni degrees soon in how to switch and buying train tickets :)
ooh, just got the menu for the pre-wedding dinner (that's the family-and-close-friends-the-night-before-the-big-day one)....

Will I have the "guinea foul supreme"? I think not.
good call Jno, when DH and I used to go to these things we always used to choose the vegetarian option.
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Tell them you want steak and lots of it :)

I've just had an email from Ian Duncan Smith who tells me how wonderful he is in getting 1.8 million people back to work ..he wants me to donate ten quid He can whistle up his pipe do these bldy people get your email addy ...
Hello all.

I'm with Robi, we stick with who we know, even though there are probably better offers out there.

Hija went to get the 9am ibiza to Sta Eulalia bus and promptly got the San Antonio one, she'd just been brought from there in a car! So she had to go back to S A, couldn't get the immediate bus back as too crowded but luckily got the 10.30 as the next one was 12. What a t*t, and she was born here! As predicted she is fed up with the boyfriend who is crying cos she is going to Dubai!

Just made a very nice bacon, salami, cheese quiche.
Good morning, still jolly warm, although I was quite chilly in the night with the aircon.
Same old same old here.
Morning and undecided weather. I don't see any hint of those super hot temperatures coming, not that I wanted them, but the silly forecasters seem have it wrong....quel surprise. I think it's another pre winter sorting day for me, may as well make an early start.

Shaney I was only saying recently how complicated everything is nowadays. I always took care of the bills etc and it never caused me any problems...apart from the OH trying to spend more than was coming in.

lol @ 'foul supreme'. I've never been out the night before a wedding, we're always too busy putting our hair in rags and filling our viniagrettes.

Oh, look at how many pages we are...I'll have a search for vacant properties later.
well, I hope everyone is jumping in the air to celebrate their A levels.
good morning we haven't got a jump n the air in any of us. Yesterday was the first day with only a brief interval of stair rod rain and a lovely cool quiet night. Shughy is still catching up on his kip. Rab is out enjoying the garden and my stomach seems to be behaving itself so its all good. rain is forecast so heigh ho

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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