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Locks For Writing Slopes?

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woofgang | 16:39 Thu 18th Jul 2013 | DIY
930 Answers
I have bought a rather nice writing slope on ebay, however the lock doesn't work at all. Its quite easy to remove though and in fact I suspect that its not the original one anyway. I've hunted around but the only supplier of replacements I could find is in america and the p and p is huge.

Does anyone know of a UK supplier of writing slope (wooden box) locks please? Either new or old but they must work and come with a key.


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went to see the lumiere festival last night, though I think we missed a few exhibits. Most of them were very clever and some extremely detailed. All the sites were heaving with people, which isn't always the case on a Friday night in midwinter, even in London.

Done my back in... must have walked more than a mile :-(
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I saw bits of it on TV Jno, it looks amazing. Tis bright and cold here and we are enjoying being cosy at home. The kitchen floor is clean due to my trying to bounce a jar of tomato stir in sauce on it and failing miserably. The garden mud is drying and not much rain forecast so i may need to wash the mud off the living room floor.
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here’s the official video

Its missing the fish kites which i think are the most beautiful.
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I love the "free" stuff we get in London (of course it's really only free to illegal immigrants and so on, the rest of us pay through the rates). I still think the best one was the sultan's elephant and the little girl several years ago
good grief, nearly 10 years ago, how time flies.
Are you going to the Queen's birthday bash on The Mall jno? Not free though is it?
one thinks not, Robinia. (OH will probably be there in a professional capacity.)
Hello all
Very cold ,bit of sleety stuff on and off but no actual snow.
Picky has ridden to our rescue and brought a new screen so it's all systems go and I'll be able to go comfortably soon as he's upstairs replacing the broken loo seat.
Those lights are fantastic Jno.I love the one on Westminster Abbey .
Reminded me that I took this pic some years ago when I went there.
Put your hot cushion on your back.

I hope there won't be any more disasters for a while .I'll join you on the sofa and do knitting Robinia .Safer that way..unless I jab myself with a needle :)
Keep warm folks.

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yes, I remember the egg. Wasn’t she looking for her Father, the King?
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I wonder if the facade of the Abbey was ever painted? Much of the inner stonework of Wells was, but not sure about the outside.
they've touched it up a bit, Shaney

the interior used to be painted

I don't know about the outside - I suppose if it had been, there'd be much less chance of the paint surviving to tell us about it. For that reason, I suspect it wasn't. But the inside was
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St Margaret’s (church that is beside the Abbey) was our school’s parish church. We used to go to, and take part in, services in the Abbey too.
oh yes, I was in there quite recently. Nice church but of course photography is banned, which always annoys me. I managed to get into St Paul's on a special photography day a couple of years back but never into the Abbey. So vulgar, all those selfie sticks, doncherknow.
It looks fabulous with those beautiful colours.
St Margaret's is a lovely church Woofy.I had a wander round it with my old culture vulture friend Jeannie.We used to often go up town and look round various places and go to exhibitions,museums and galleries. I miss all that here in the sticks .
My old school's "parish"church was Rochester cathedral !
Hello all. Lovely lights jno.
Bitterly cold here, well to us anyway, I actually went for a longish walk after my 3 coffees! Was going to make it longer but met a friend's daughter who is very sweet but slow witted and I'm always her best friend when she sees me, she was with a walking class and they were going the same way so I short cutted my way back, am not being mean spirited but enough is enough.
Dinner tonight is sobrasada (spicy greasy sausage) black pudding, mixed veg and caulif all roasted in oven and then soused with a cheese sauce, very necessary for a cold winter's night.
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I understand Neti, I can deal with it but only for so long, their parents and carers have my profound admiration.
Shaney aren’t we a posh pair!
Here at last. Just after a it if a busy day. Housework got done downstairs as girls match cancelled. Then Derby's match wasn't good they lost 3 - 0.
Even though it's been ever so cold today the sun has shone beautifully. I had loads of layers on including everything thermal you know where and enjoyed my walk to the match but the result was disappointing.
Lovely pictures of lights and Westminster, I've only ever stood outside on a days trip to The Capital.
Nothing much for me on the telly tonight so I think I'll get off to bed and read. I have a cousin Martin Lloyd who is an author and I have one of his books I haven't read yet so may give it a go.
I don't remember if I've told you about him before so I won't go on except to say one of his first books was about The Passport and I heard him Being interviewed on Radio Derby Years ago.
'Night all sleep tight.
Hope you can work hat lot out. Not been on the Baileys honest
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I am sitting here having a cold flush. I have got a huge ugly cardigan on over a sweatshirt and the heating is going full blast.

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