(I posted this and waited five minutes but as it still hasn't appeared I'm posting it again - no doubt there will now be double posts...)
Woofy I think we will eventually be able to upload avatars from our profiles but they removed the uploading thingy yesterday or this morning, we probably weren't supposed to have that toy just yet. I saw one of the Eds saying yesterday we would have avatars in a couple of weeks. They'll be where the jellymen are now, no doubt.
Yes Alzheimers, it's scary isn't it. Some scientist was saying on the telly that you needn't worry about dementia if when you go to the shop you come home without your loaf of bread, but when you go to the shop, come home with your loaf of bread, open the pantry and you find there's already a loaf of bread in there... that's when you should worry. I can see his point but I've had dementia for fifteen years if that's true...
Can't you see the page numbers Neti? Bottom right? / You inspired me to actually eat an egg today. Don't like'm but I know they're good for me so I more or less hold my nose while I chew and after I'm done I behave like Jim Carrey/Ace Ventura when he realises the person he's been kissing is a man: