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Locks 'n bolts

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Robinia | 14:18 Tue 14th Jul 2009 | DIY
504 Answers
Can someone tell me the official name of this type of bolt please, I'm sure it must have one.
Where have all the old fashioned hardware stores gone?...the nice man in a brown overall & a pencil behind his ear would know what I meant by 'twisty, bolty thingy' (even if it hadn't been invented).


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Yes Vinny my panties are string-like and gossamer!! Just like a delicate cobweb!!!
I hear that it is spider invasion time in dear ole Blighty, and more than usual, thank heaven's I'm here!!
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good morning campers...

Didn't my Saturday assistant show up? tut, you can't get these young 'uns out of bed. In that case you'll have to help yourselves & leave the money in the biscuit tin

[can't stop laughing at Kit's whiskery search - 'old men and seals came up' ...hahaha]

I'm so glad we're all gradually drifting in, don't worry about replying to emails Dolly, just wanted to keep you in the loop. I've only got one perennial geranium, a blue one, lovely while it flowers but it's over very quickly. I really must get some that flower over a long season. Briquettes & candles it is madam...
...can I interest any of you in watering cans? ...deck chairs? nets? S'pose I can pass those off as spider catchers, yes there are a few about Neti. There was one so big in the front garden that I set it on painting the fence, it can do it 8 times faster than me. And judging by it's web I'd say that Dolly's been exporting 'em from down under
went out to a book launch at the Royal Geographical Society last night - the book is called Goats From a Small Island, haha, and the goats in question are long defunct but somewhere between a mouse and a goat, maybe half a metre long, called a Myotragus. The island is Majorca, where their fossils were found 100 years ago by an intrepid fossil hunter, Dorothea Bate. They seem to have gone there when the Med was dried up for a while millennia ago; some went on to Minorca but obviously none bothered to make the trip to Ibiza, as goats have very little interest in loud disco music. There was a very funny short speech by a Dutch museum director, explaining why everyone had heard of extinct dodos and nobody had heard of extinct Myotraguseses ('public relations'). And if you want to know what an exclusive event this was - Neil and Christine Hamilton were there!!! But after an hour and several glasses of champagne I started coughing so I went home.
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oh bless their little cloven hooves (or is it hoofs?)'er mind jno, there are plenty of old goats around here....and at least one living fossil on Ibiza's good to be back > > > > > > > > >
How very dare you??

We have goats here and probably the ones jno mentioned.

This print has now gone very small - what's happend and do we have aviators yet??
I jys made a long post and the bloomin site kicked me out :-( anyway hi all its nce to be back, crossing fingers and hitting post
TV scheduling please. When is the x factor, is it Fri and Sat, or Sat and Sun or just Sat? and strictly is on Frid and sat no?
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well done woofy!

Xfactor...Sat ITV1 8pm - 9.15pm
............Sun ITV1 7.30pm - 9.00pm

Strictly's been scrapped for ever...I asked them to.

oh alright,
Sat 7.25pm - 9.05pm

I'm off now, so if you need more info try
Thanks for that Robi, although I get Sky I cannot get BBc or ITV so I download that from internet the next day and then put onto disc so can watch in bedroom!

My last remaining cat Mousey is quite ill. She's been off colour for about a week, but now just lays around and not eating or drinking. The only reliable and trustworthy vet in in the next village so tomorrow I'll take her there.
Hi All. another lovely day here again. Had a great night at the Barn Dance last night. What a laugh. The caller was brill and he had everybody joining in. There were children there as welll and he had them dancing too. It was like a street party with every one from this Avenue where my Dad lived getting together and having a good time. There was a lovely buffet too.

Hope Mousey gets sorted out Neti It's sad when a pet becomes unwell.

Just have about another 2 or 3 weeks before my new suite arrives. (I hope) Spending half my time, when I'm in, upstairs watching telly or reading in my bedroom.

Hope you are all having a calm Sunday.
See yer later 'gater(s) xx
hello all and thanks for the emails, trying again today and will copy the post in case kicked out again. Neti I hope that Mousey is okay, they do wind our hearts around their paws don't they?
It a lovely sunny autumn day here...a bit too dry but still lovely.
We watched The Boat That Rocked on DVD last night....terrible waste of Bill Nighy, a good idea and a great sound track :(
fingers crossed and hitting post
Good morning? possums. Very low energy levels today, and I don't even "deserve" it :( ...but the party was nice. I'm not "afraid" of mingling anymore (hated it when I was younger) but now that I'm finally starting to get good at it, I instead find it difficult to hear what people are saying :( (with other people chatting in the background, music et cetera) and I don't want to just smile and pretend like I heard. But all in all very nice and there was lots of veggie food, they used meat as side dishes instead of the other way around.

And then I had to fend off a young man no older than 23 as I was walking to the metro, he drove up and offered me a lift, asked for my phone number "at least" when I made up some lie about meeting my friend on the metro - what was that about, I just got utterly confused. Would have probably got mugged if I'd got in the car don't you think - or perhaps he was a gigolo, I dunno. Been many years and many kilos since I had to make up "I'm meeting my friend"-lies...!

Even I got the GOATS From A Small Island joke jno - I bought the book (the NOTES one) a couple of years ago when Vinny was reading it and laughing out loud on our threads. It's just been lying around but a while back when I was bedridden with lumbago (or new herniated discs or whatever) I started reading it. laughed so much when the author woke up after having slept a couple of hours outdoors and he started walking round town with a pair of pants on his head. He had used them as a cap in the middle of the cold night and when he woke up he didn't remember they were still there. It wasn't just the pants on his head that cracked me up but also the "typically (?) British" gentleman who chatted so amicably with him and only mentioned the pants CASUALLY as they were saying bye bye. This is my image of the British too, ever polite, in the very best sense of the word. Would you say it is so? Anyway, I couldn'
(continued) Anyway, I couldn't continue reading the book as it hurt too much to laugh at the time, and I haven't been able to pick it up again, as it reminds me of the pain which really was excruciating. But I SUSPECT it's a fun book!

Neti I'm so sorry that Mousey is ill. I will be keeping my claws crossed tomorrow.

BTW y'all here's an article on the LCHF diet I mentioned in my mass email a few days ago, the one that one of my friends is on:
G'day biddies, I'm reading my own last post as there is none other, ha ha... Did it sound as if your book recommendation ruined my life Vinny, ha ha, I have a way with words don't I. I was in hell already, I just came to the conclusion I shouldn't be reading funny books while there :) (And I will pick it up again at some later point, just not now while that time is still fresh in my memory.)

Thinking of you and Mousey, Neti.

My feet are still killing me from Saturday but I have to go down-town today. Can I get anyone anything? No Robinia not a horse for the garden like you wished for the last time, and no jno not a horse for the... the... erm... the... oh nevermind.
You can get me a lovely house in Sveeden Kit .That newspaper is very interesting .I ditched reading about the diet and wandered into the property pages .After much oooing and aaaing I've decided that when I win the lottery I am going to come and live next door to you :) Come back ........I'm only dreaming ..
I spent ages looking through them trying to pick out one where they had an annexe for my butler and a room big enough to display my tiaras :)
Some of them are seriously swish if you have a few million Krone to spare .Though some are very minimal but I'd soon change that with all my junk :)
Hope you are all well .Medical mysteries,dental probs and poorly pussycats permitting .
Lovely day here again and still no rain . I think my lawn has shrivelled up and died .
Toodlepip for now .
well, it's taking 2 weeks to get the result of my chest X-ray through, which seems a ridiculously long time. But I told a doctor friend about it and she said oh yes, that's because they're now sending them off to Australia to be analysed and you have to wait for them to come back.

So that would explain it. What mine is going to look like when seen through clouds of red dust I don't know, but that's certainly what I feel like at the moment.

Greetings to anyone who feels worse than me... cough cough
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Just a quick hello folks...if it's an consolotion jno I feel pretty grim today...don't know what's wrong with me, I'm very cold, not particularly hungry but have a massive craving for salt...hope I'll feel more talkative tomorrow.
Oh I want to live in Stockholm too
I was the same with my knee xrays recently Jno .They took two weeks to come back . But.. it will be four months since referal by my GP for the appointment at the hospital about my leg in a weeks time !

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