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Locks 'n bolts

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Robinia | 14:18 Tue 14th Jul 2009 | DIY
504 Answers
Can someone tell me the official name of this type of bolt please, I'm sure it must have one.
Where have all the old fashioned hardware stores gone?...the nice man in a brown overall & a pencil behind his ear would know what I meant by 'twisty, bolty thingy' (even if it hadn't been invented).


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oh, what a shame, Lottie - you went to Norfolk and just missed the Tallest Jelly Competition

I expect they have them in Stockholm all the time
Hi LL, oh dear, yes Murcia was badly hit also, as was most of Spain. Hope your friend is Ok. Lovely sunny and sweti here today!
jno. Did you mean Norwich? Oh dear my dear friend and I will be so disappointed. Hey, wait a minute - it's tomorrow!! I haven't missed it at a!!! -

Sunny here too Neti, but not sweti, Neti. Everything is looking beautifully autumnal.
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g' isn't

bloody diets! want to lose 3lbs overnight? well come round here & take care of me...the mother of all damned stomach bugs/food poisoning last night [groan]...hadn't eaten anything unusual or even a lot of anything so it's probably what's been bubbling up the past few days - pardon the expression - anyway, me poor sore stomach's concave.
Jeez, not been that bad since the lads used to bring their super sized viruses home from college.....

Too slow on here & I've no patience or strength to sit here...wish I could type in bed. Not that I can stay in bed.
There you go jno, that's self pity for ya, hahaha.
Buck up everyone - (No Vinny - read that again!!)
Oh poor Robinia. Tuck yourself up on the sofa with Charlie and try to sleep. You will need to rest for a couple of days. Take care.

Said mouse is now alive and well. I didn't want to trap him and he avoided it. He had made himself a nice warm home in Mr LL's Sat Nav carry case and he kept popping his head out and look at me. Just picked the bag up by the handles and carried it complete with little mouse outside. He has since scarpered - bless him. He was very pretty. No doubt, puss cat will bring me another one soon. She doesn't attempt to harm them. Sometimes she just sits on them - I often wonder if she is perhaps wanting them as pets!!!
Mousey brings them in, plays with them, and then bites their heads off, same with the lizards.
Just did a long post which went awol so here's a shortened version.
Robi I always seem to be saying get welll soon to you well I sincerely mean it. Hope you get really well. No more lugging stuff around your garden until you are.
And Jno hope your results come soon. Nothing worse than waiting for them . I'm the world's worst. A terrible wittler.
I have to lose weight because apparently if you have Impaired Glucose Tolerance you are more liable to strokes and heart attacks. so I'm doing as I'm told until my next blood test and weighing session. Anyway that's enough of that.
Went for an interview for a voluntary job today. Helping children to read at local schools. Have to have a Criminal Report Investigation before I can start so I hope the fact that I had my fingerprints taken years ago wont go against me. In case you wonder it was because there was a burglarly at the office where I worked and we had to be eliminated from enquiries.
Off out tonight to an Am Dram production of Anything goes. Sosee yer later 'gater(s) x
heavens, what a sickly lot we are and it's barely October. Robinia, I have lost a whole stone in the last month, though in my case this is a mere drop in the ocean so to speak. I do sympathise with you, one naturally prefers one's throughput to be slow and steady, quite apart from soreness and general indignity. I always keep an immodium within reach for moments like these..
Having a melancholy moment.

I suppose this has to be my favourite song ever and he sings it better than anyone else.
Morning all - I never know when I can post on here. Last night I couldn't get in at all, nor on my laptop.

Nice day here so far, have decided to take the loose covers to the professional laundry as they are particularly grubby after the hot summer and don't feel my machine will do them justice. Have bright yellow ones (the originals) to put on for now, but not my favourites!
Good Moaning..
how is everybody..all bu$$ering oorf to sweden then...well im off to dublin....(not really) I f I ever did move it would be Canford cliffs....surrounded by millions of tall pine trees and a couple of minutes to a white sandy beach...better win the lotto first..:O)
must shoot off and clean some carpets.Might pop in tonight and play a few tunes(to myself I expect)this bloomin site is so hard to get on lately...bye bye for now take*:*)~)
G'day biddies, I've been having the same problems as described in Shaney's round robin, and in my case also a flash bar shouting BAD CREDENTIALS at me every once in a while when I try to sign in. Sounds like an Irish punk band to me ;-) I wrote this in Word but was never able to post it so it's a bit dated:

[…] I could now well be stuck at the computer 24/7, as I've enabled Google Reader, and "my" sites keep feeding me new posts every time I wink. But it's extremely useful. If you haven't heard of it, it's a feature that lets you know when your favourite sites – such as blogs but also newspapers – have been updated, and it let's you read all the new posts from all the different sites without ever leaving Reader if you don't want to.

Question for Robi about the flu jab, you said it's been known to worsen some conditions, is that permanently or temporarily?

So, when are y'all going to stop talking about Stockholm and actually come visit? (I think it may be a smart move to visit before you actually emigrate, Shaney and Robi ;-) This is the hotel where people usually stay when they come to see me:

come in:

sit down:

feet hurting?


Wasn't aware of the study that says Swedish men make lousy lovers; I suspect it to be conducted by somebody who doesn't approve of the kind of husbands they make - read some of the comments and you'll see what I mean: (…but in all honesty, there IS a Swedish song called Four Seconds and yes it is along the lines of Don't bother taking your hairnet off, ha ha!)

Jude did you read the article I posted about the LCHF diet, particularly good for diabetics and so probably also for related conditions. (I assume.) It's controversial, but you might want to look into it? I would try the diet myself (just to lose weight) if it weren't for the fact that it's virtually impossible for vegetarians to live by it :( Hope you get the job in spite of your record, Jude ;-) />
Wasn't allowed to view your vid Lottie (• ) (.)

*makes note of jno's word "throughput" for future use during salons*
AB changes my YouTube link codes! Here it is again, Jude:

Oh are we open again, oh goody, it's been a blooming nuisance!!

Yes I've been to Sweden (said in a very knowing tone!) and it was lovely and it was colsd, when was it Swedie, August? but there was a lovely market in Kungsgarten, and I would love to go back for longer!!
In out in out, getting like the Hkoey Cokey in here!
Evening each! Hope you are all getting on ok. I have actually cleaned my car today. I'd forgotten what a lovely blue colour it is. Off out tonight for a bit of a rock. That could be good exercise for me. I've had a walk today for about half an hour and I suppose it all helps. I did read the LCHF article Kit but it's not llike the diet the doc says I have to follow.
The production of Anything Goes last night was brilliant. Wonderful dancing and the costumes really great, Lots of songs I knew which gives my age away. I don't think I'm quite as old as when it was written though.ha ha!
Where are you Robi? I hope you're not still poorly.
I promise not to go on about diets again.
Hope you all have a good weekend x
tis empty in here, are we off again.

Poor Robi, hope you are feeling better and of course you too jno and jude and all the rest of us poor souls.

Nice day here. Daughter coming over again on Tuesday for 3 days to pick up bedding, saucepans, taoster you name it, mum'll supply it!!
I keep posting and nothingt appears!!

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