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Unknown bush/shrub

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shaneystar2 | 17:42 Sat 30th Jun 2012 | Gardening
1724 Answers
We have this bush in the garden .When it comes into bloom it looks glorious and it's just starting now .However I have no idea what it is . It was here when we moved in nearly nine years ago .
Any offers ?


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hello all. We finally got the bad stuff here but only briefly, it sort of whipped through. I was in the act of closing the garden door in the living room which is one huge sheet of double glazing when this huge gust hit and the door was almost torn out of my hand and blown straight at me. It was a bit scary but I managed to hang on and no harm done. Its nice here now, chilly but bright.
Afternoon each and every! Mr N has fitted new microwave in, looks great but I have no clue as to how to use it, don't even understand the English instructions!
My friend's horse has just won at Sandown, costs her a fortune to own him. Guess I'm lucky to just have a cat and that costs us enough!
Very overcast and getting chilly now. I am getting used to have Mr N home on a Saturday afternoon, I keep finding him little jobs to do!
Afternoon's a bright sunny one but the wind's very cold.
Nothing exciting happening.
My friend won £11,000 on that race but that'll be used for stable fees!
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Not very bright here ,drizzling with rain .The gale force winds didn't amount to much in the end ,just a few gusts from time to time. Nothing doing here either .I'm cooking brisket in the slow cooker and sorting out the tupperware cupboard .I inherited most of it from my mum in law.It seems to last forever and some must be from the year dot.
Hope you're all ok .
Morning all...dull and cold. Keep your thermals on, it's going to be a very cold week. Actually the rest of the month looks cold to me.

No, no matter how hard I try I'm not warming to this new set up. It just looks messier by the day. I think they brought in the wrong people for the make over
Morning. You're not wrong there Robi, I just pop in and out now, not like before when you could see what was what and join in, don't like it.
I have a dreadful feeling that I am starting a cold, just little symptoms atm, nothing definite so hope I can avoid it. I can't sniff salt water up my nose which my mother would recommend not even with a nettypot!
Sunny but windy here. Big rock n roll fiesta in village today so well pop down for a while.
Hope you are all ok. Damn cat had me up from 4am till 6.45! with her patting about!!
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Hello folks
Nice bright day so far but it's still single figures.
I can't get used to it either Robinia and cba with it .It makes my eyes ache after a while as it's so glaring. I don't bother to browse around so much either ,all that clicking on and off that stupid drop down menu and scrolling up and down does my head in.
I hope you don't get a cold Neti in view of your op coming up and having waited so long.
KBO girls.

Y we went to the rock n roll fiesta but it was freezing and so windy that half of the bands equipment was blown down the road. Before we even left T 1pm there was a horrific thunderstorm, and I was quite happy to stay in my cosy bed. Still we had a good time, a few beers and tapas some,of which were very nice, others yukky and some did not materialise at all, but couldn't be fussed to make a fuss! We were walking around and sitting for 7 hrs and I'm glad to be home, bathed and in pjs and waiting for a pizza to cook!
I really think a cold is on the horizon as throat is now quite dry which is a sign, I'm gobbing down paracetamol, have to see anesthesitist tomorrow so I'll see what she reckons! I can't miss my spot not after all this time, and eye is still playing up!
I keep sticking my head around the door in the hope this was all a bad dream and we're back in the old style.
Stay well neti and try not to think about getting ill. Easy for me to say, I'm the same when something's looming.
I haven't done anything noteworthy today and my tea will be equally uninteresting.
Ms Mundane of the Midlands.
Good mornin, sunny, but windy and cold.
Hope you are OK and had a good sleep! I consider it a good night's sleep when the cat allows me to sleep for 3 hrs straight!
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Morning all
Just back from the doctor and now have to go for blood tests in a week or so .
Brightened up now after a dreary start .Hope you're all tickety boo.
Hello all, back from hospital, it's was the same reason I had to go in June, to sign another company sent form, either they are super efficient or very lax, lax I think it is. She looked down my throat and at my face sideways, listened to my chest which luckily is behaving. So just hoping my dry throat comes to nothing, and we have lift or nose off in my case!
Very cold and windy I almost lost my balance in one big gust!
Bad luck on bus today, a very smelly and loud local man sat next to me, oh he did reek of unwashed body ( all areas), then he got off and a nasty man who I've had a run in with before came and belligerently poked at a disabled sign which is also pensioner seat and asked me to move, I shouted that I was a pensioner but I moved anyway! He's only disabled on buses, in town he walks better than I do! Rant over!
Not company sent form! What The Funicular! Consent form, why does my tablet puts it's own words in?
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Lol Neti .I wouldn't have moved for him.I had some crow poke me in the back on the bus once and tell me that the seat I was on was for disabled people and I should move.I aked her if she thought I used a walking stick as a fashion accessory and to mind her own business and button it.
People like that annoy me big time.
Evening all...the day started with thick fog, then it brightened up and now it's raining.

It's obviously because you both look so young and fabulous that these grumpy passengers have picked on you. :)

The maid's thrown a sickie so I've been skivvying and now it looks like I'm on pot washing duties. Tut.

I am annoyed with myself for not staying put, but to argue with a Spaniard in his language I find daunting and wouldn't like to cause a scene on the bus! But am sticking pins in a potato head!
Off to hospital early tomorrow to see kidney doctor, my gbf is picking me up as he wants a translator there for something!
Good morning am at hospital again waiting to see kidney doctor! I should live here!
Hope you are all OK!
Back from hospital, was there at 8.45nand went in at 10.45! Anyway kidneys are fine and have been written off from hospital now just have to see my doctor for blood test every 6 months. Doctor told me his life story kept looking at my ankles and saying it basque country they loved slim ankles! I have slim ankles! Then he asked how did I get to hospital, did I have breast pain blah blah blah, said he knew my face, I didn't have a clue, then he said he saw me last June, what was wrong with him?
Sniffing for England and taking paracetamol etc, just pray I'm ok for Thurs!

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