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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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We had about 30 minutes of sun around 4pm. Just enough to be really annoying.
Anyway car gets fixed on wednesday. I had a mojito mix over ice with no alcohol tonight and it was delicious.
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Oight oight all.
Well I'm going to book a week at Hotel Robinia so that I can nosey round Chatsworth House .I had to laugh at them ironing that damn great tablecloth .
If I outstay my welcome I can get a job there as a cleaner and polish the statues backsides .Brilliant .
Oight Oight lovelies ..sleep toight x
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Good morning. We had our first proper daylight walk of the year today. It should have been last week but stitches intervened. There was much grinning and mad tearing around, huge splashes in water then drinking of the muddy mix. This time last year my knee was a factor so its possibly the longest walk they have had for some time.
You really should behave better woofy, what will the dogs think of you?
lol @ neti's comment

Morning all...sorry if this upsets you but it's glorious here, t-shirts instead of padded parkas. This week is going to be a test, it's the first really warm one since I kicked the hrt habit. I could be praying for snow by Friday.

Shaney we could share this and have great fun blasting any passers by with a water cannon... there's a week free next month, only £1500

Right I'd better drag myself off to the surgery to collect my blood test form...probably won't be able to go onto dracula's den tho, no doubt it'll be a fasting job and I'm already on a sugar rush.
Morning Robi.

My tooth has fallen out again, so I look a fright, am trying to get an emergency appointment with sis's dentist, only hope they know what it is all about although I have my doubts!
Hi Biddyfriends. I've read every one of your posts and I'm back...
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Shaney so sad. I have read also that Lottie and Robinia were 'down' as well but I hope the weather is improving for you all and you are feeling much better now.
I'm happy that Rab is ok and he goes on for many years keeping you company on your walks Woofy.
Jno are your lights sorted now? Mind you I don't expect you will need them much with the long days we're having. I think I remember you said you were off again on your travels so you definitely wont need them. Have a goo0d time. If I've got that wrong - sorry.Neti, still having fun in Eastbourne even though you are missing home, which we all do when we are away don't we. Is it a year since we met in London?

I had a lovely weekend away and on the Saturday night went to an old Mill which had been converted into a bar/restaurant and theatre (about 150 seats) After dinner I watched a play. A Lighthearted comedy with some sad and happy moments but a very happy ending :)
When I got home on Sunday I was supposed to go and watch Steady play football (you thought you'd got away without me mentioning football didn't you) ~ anyway I didn't make it to Pride Park (Derby's Ground) where he was playing and I missed the 2 goals he scored. How mad am I!!
Today I'm off to Tai Chi for some more relaxation then I have an appointment at the Hospital this afternoon to see my lovely nose specialist for the last time I hope.
I hope you are all ok and that you have a good week.
See yer later 'gater(s)
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We have SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!!!!
lol Neti I didn't do the running around and drinking mud but i did grin a bit.
Hey jude, missed you , welcome back. Glad you had a good time.

I believe you woofy, thousands wouldn't!!

Dentist at 15.30, I must behave and not show my sister up!!
Good morning folk

LOL at Neti as well.

Nice to see you Jude and so glad you had a good weekend.

Well the good news is the sun is shining (but the bad news is the wind is icy cold).

Am off to meet a friend shortly and I haven't got a clue what to wear!!!
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A vest and two jumpers Lottie. Jude summoned me in News but I don't know why.
Sorry you're not warm folks, it's 21C and climbing here, it felt very strange going out without a coat. Called at the surgery for my form and it was full of people with coughs...I didn't know I could hold my breath for 10 minutes. :o)
I was strangely drawn into a charity shop and found a brand new (still in a slip cover) mirrored jewellery box for £2.50 (my last lotto win), I've always liked them. Just need another win to fill it with bling.

Good to have you back Jude, I'm pleased your weekend was a good one...good luck at the schnoz appointment. :o)
tis only 1° less here than in Ibiza, I mean what's the point???

Dentist at 15.30, although am wearing the plate thing that holds the spare tooth but it is very painful. Had to remove the contraption when eating my Viennese swirl and coffee, so had to remember not to grin at passers by!

We're having ♫ kippers for tea, we're having kippers for tea ♫
The point is it's the third week in may and we have been frozen for about two years :o)
Good luck at the dentist.
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We are having a Good Day. We have gardened, laid in the sun (two of us) sorted out the networked printer (me) and eaten smoked salmon and chips for lunch.
It is now warm and sunny, and I went out in a lightweight top and a shrug and removed the shrug. I am now in a T shirt!!! My feet are killing me and my eyes and nose are streaming, we have acres of rape growing behind us. Well, I have to moan about something....................................
Hello folks
Lovely day here .Warm in the sun but we still have that chilly east wind off the sea .Been into town and had some chips and done some shopping .Done a bit of weeding out the front and that's about it .
Lol..Robinia, Chatsworth's not cheap is it .
Good luck with dentists, noses and blood tests .
A neti returns with a "smiling" tooth, he says it is only for smiling not gnawing or biting into food. :0( he was lovely a huge S.A. man and
he hugged me and I kissed his cheek.It still cost me £90. He admitted he had never seen anything like this tooth (with two metal arms) but has managed to attached it to my other teeth. so I can beam at all and sundry.

Gosh it is hot here, sweltering. sister is in shorts I am boiling in trackie bottoms.

♫ we're having kippers for tea, we're having kippers for me ♫
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I just went out ON MY OWN for the first time in ages...found myself saying "stay there, i won't be long" to an empty car. I should go and tidy up but cba

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