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smelly fridge

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woofgang | 11:40 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | Home & Garden
514 Answers
Help! my immaculately clean 3 yo fridge smells like a dustbin. I have cleaned and disinfected it 4 times and aired it out. ANY suggestions welcome!


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What lovely news shaney, it's a lousy, stinking pe po belly that he has any of this but all is not doom & gloom....all the best & positive wishes to Mr S! xx

A tad fresh but nice and sunny here. I still feel a bit rough but I decided I wasn't going to sink down any further so I pulled meself up by the vest straps, plastered on some slap & toddled off to the shops...I didn't want to go out of the door yesterday.

Now just stoppit Jude, wafting these lovely men in front of me! I almost dropped my apple, custard 'n cream tart watching him on youtube. I'd have sued if it had landed on the floor & charlie had licked it :o) He's a lot like a boyfriend I had in my youth.

Kit don't you have those hair traps in Sweden? They cost next to nothing & I use them upstairs and down, it's amazing how much fluff they catch. Of course when you've had the plug in you need to get it ready, yank the plug & slide the trap in pdq. And I'm paranoid that all my teeth will fall out when I brush least if I catch them I might be able to super glue 'em back :o)

Well if jno's going to keep copying my stylie Lottie I'll have to start charging for fashion advice.
oh, that's excellent news, shaney, the best you could have expected, really. I hope it's all plain sailing from here.

Now about my sore finger....
well you should have called the caterers in jno

btw Jude, have you got a spare mower-man? Ours has obviously done one....tut, this whole place is falling apart, as I opened the side door to go out earlier my bloomin kn0b dropped off. Don't you hate it when that happens? It's ok, I fixed it, I'm not kn0bless.

can we say knob?
where's that hippy?! I've just seen what was on his know what they do to the messenger dontcha? Your number's up dude
Shaney So pleased the news is good compared to what it could have been.At least you know now what has to be done to put things right. Lots of people are walking around with colostomys and you would never know. Please take care and have as good a weekend as you both can under the circumstances. Love Jude x

Thanks all for you lovely comments about my son's 'performance'. I know he's not every one's 'cup of tea'. but that song is one of my favourites that he has done on YouTube. He has done one called Fast Car, which has had loads of comments but one was really insulting and I am pleased to say he dealt with it like a gentleman.
Me, being a Mum, went on to the culprits site and told him what for then blocked him. I of course didn't let on who I was God forbid. My son would have had a fit. Vinny I'm copying your comment to him He would appreciate that. Thanks.
I went shopping this morning Robi we could have passed each other in the street, I then did what I call the B. Lane circuit home which takes me about 3/4 hour. Not much but better than nothing. How are your family doing in Oz we haven't talked about it much lately?

Have a lovely meal Jno. Hope you find something on the menu you fancy. I like dining out in niice restautants but as you know I usually end up in pubs in Derbyshire mostly.
And thanks for the birthday wishes.
Have a good weekend all.
Going to cut the grass now while the sun is out. It could be raining tomorrow.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Brilliant shaney and mr s! Well done.

Also DH, keep on getting better!

jno enjoy your meal, what's left of you!!

Fancy you doing that jude - sort of thing I would do too!! No one disses our children!!

Robi hope you are feeling better!

Kit, Vinny, Dolly and Lottie, hope ypu are all oK too x
Sorry Woofy, I missed mentioning DH, I hope he is getting better too. x
I've also forgot to say well done Shaney for your scores on the doors. That was brilliant. You are brainy. I'm rubbiish at it. :~)
Nooo..I'm not brainy Jude .I just seem to know huge amounts of trivial information that is really of no interest to anyone :) Lovely Youtube by the way .You have some nice looking chaps in your family :))

Yes it is a bit of a sigh of relief for me .And I feel much more positive that he will OK. That knot in my guts has eased off a bit :)
Of course it won't be pleasant for him to undergo this but he's a fit man .Never had anything wrong with him really apart from the prostate palaver a few years ago which was all clear . The next hurdle wil be the op and then he'll have to face life with this stoma .
But the nurses are so nice ,on the end of the phone if you want to talk to them and we've been assured of good aftercare .
I was speaking to the head colecteral nurse today and have to admit I did have a bit of a weep but she was very good and reassuring .I think she's a bit taken with Mr S .She said to me that he was a very charming man :)
So on the back of all that I have a rather large drink in my hand and I raise my glass to you lovely people xxxx
So he's turned on the charm has he shaney, just like Mr N, alls smiles at the hospital, nota cre in the world,, ah, bless 'em !!
*nota cre!* what language is that, spect it's for the pope's visit1 "not a care in the world" that translates as!!!!
Hahaa..Neti's the accent that drives ' em crazy plus the deep voice .
But Mr S being a German, funnily enough doesn't have the zeee normal,"vee hev vays of making you talk " German accent . In fact he speaks better English than wot I do :)
He speaks a bit like Matt Frei but deeper voiced .There is an accent ,but people can't place it .
SHANEY!! That is such good news, I'm really really happy for you:D He'll be alright, believe you me. (I had to laugh at your "vee hev vays of making you talk", I was watching Schindler's List again the other day, isn't Ralph Fiennes magnificent in it. Just googled him, his full name is Ralph Nathaniel Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes - definitely sounds like somebody who will be dining at The Criterion;-)

Listen very carefully possums, I shall say this only önce. The balconies are crumbling and there's a crack through this godforsaken building - some kind of leak in one of the apartments and it froze during the winter and they have to deal with it now before the whole bl00dy house comes a-tumbling down on somebody's head. Soo, they've erected the scaffolding and all hell will break loose next. I feel like a trapped animal and I may end up stowing my electronics including the computer away to protect it from debris dust or whatchamacallit. Also, I've bought an air purifier and it has to stand on the desk and I don't think the vibration will be doing the puta much good. My place is so small and there isn't any practical solution; I can't use the laptop without the external keyboard, external mouse and laptop stand as I need an ergonomically correct position and that position is going to be a very dusty one ha ha - and it may well go on for many months, they just don't know until they start the hammer drilling what the prognosis will be. But in short I suspect my presence here will be greatly reduced for at least a couple of months:'(

I'll try to keep up with reading your posts but I probably won't be writing as much. I'm very sorry. I hate this. They did the front of the building in 2004 and a complete refurbishing (water pipes, electricity - the works) in 2006 and yet it's falling apart. (A door knob Robinia? You were lucky;-) Sometimes I wish they'd make a decision to tear it all down and build a new house where this one has stood.
(No warning again that the post was too long.)

... where this one has stood. Love you all very muchly, don't forget me...

Brilliant hypothesis Vinny - jno a food critic, why haven't we seen it before? I think you must be right but jno wouldn't fess up in a million years:)

Your son just keeps on getting better, Jude. Mama Lion Jude ha ha:)

morocco girl
Not sure what's wrong, if it's YouTube or AnswerBank?, just me - I dropped the http...
sorry to hear that, Kit, sick buildings are a pain. Dinner menu consisted of chicken and fish and mushrooms and stuff, so that was just dandy NOT but I got by with a duck leg and pumpkin pie, really rather nice, and lots of Argentine wine, which more or less doubled the bill. No, I'd never make a food critic, I really have duff tastes. I was a film critic once in my very extremest youth, while still a student, for a progressive women's magazine, but that's as near as I've ever got to criticising anything, and it folded after a couple of years.
That there swedes been pinching me ganga.!:O)
Its good news on the western front...yo Shaney.That criterions some magic looking place..Im off to me garden to spark up a .................chimanea..!later dudes.
Pumpkin pie sounds like my kind of thing, go well with the pumpkin soup...

Just to prove I can do this, I-can-do-this, I-can-do-this, I CAN POST A LINK, so there;-)

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