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Plant suggestions

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kittenlittle | 18:38 Thu 18th Oct 2007 | Home & Garden
1 Answers
I am trying to make a 'summer sitting room' in my Victorian terrace. It is not a very light room, so many traditional conservatory plants are unsuitable. It has French windows which open on to the garden, is decorated in cream/white/ blue and ideally I would like meditteranean-ish plants as my holiday pics from Corsica were a starting point for the room.

Any suggestions VERY much appreciated
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Hi Kitten Little

I have a similar problem with very little sun. I've found that christmas cactus does very well. I've also got a plant which trains over a meter long which I've been told that it its a woodland cactus. I also have a ficus tree that seems to ba able to cope provinding I put it outside in the summer to recover!

Hope this helps

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