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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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My new neighbours in the flats at the back of me decided to also have a party, no music but they are Spanish and boy can they talk and shriek loud, but fair do's they all shut up and disasppeared at midnight, and luckily we do not have any bedrooms on the back at that side, just the kitchen so weren't really disturbed.
Lovely sunny day although really is not hot enough for June, but I am not complaining. Think hija came in about 6am, but she doesn't finish work until 1am and they all go for drinks and a chat after work so not too bad really.
Shaney did you see The Americans? I wanted to remind you but tinternet was beggered.
good morning, not sure what happened there, we finally all settled around 3
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Morning all, cloudy and cool....I've got a mega load of washing in, hope I haven't overloaded it or I'll be down the river annoying the anglers this afternoon. The fish hate Daz.

I couldn't get to sleep last night either, fireworks going off didn't help. I felt really agitated, all sorts of rubbish not worth the brain cells was going round my head. I could have done with watching that video jno....Jeff Vader....hahaha, it's one of my all time YT favourites.

I haven't seen it but I doubt anything could match the Brideshead series shaney, it's time I gave that another viewing.

Right, was there any trouble last night....where's my tray?
same weather here, maybe I have moved to Derby overnight and nobody told me. A bit brighter would be nice for looking at gardens, though not searing tropical heat thank you.
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oh enjoy it anyway jno...and don't go borrowing any cuttings. maybe you'll find some inspiration
Where are posts going? I give up! Am I invisible?

I had previously and invisibly said that I haven't as yet seen Brideshead, as we were obviously living over here, so am just downloading it, hope I like it.
Well it's been an exciting day so far at Shaneytowers .I had a paramedic banging on the door at 6.OO am.So I got a ride in an ambulance with my neighbour to the hospital.
Suspected heart attack but it wasn't thank goodness .I stayed with her while they did an ECG etc and took blood but had to come home as the results could be ages yet.It was bloomin' freezing waiting for a bus back and I only had me jeans and Markies fleece top on .
It's like a winters day out there this side of the country yet others seem to have it hot .I'll have to write to Mr Cameron ,it's not good enough :)
Hope you are all ok today though .
I missed The Americans Neti ....tut.I got engrossed in the film .
It was good Robinia but nothing can hold a candle to the original TV series .
Good cast but it was all crammed into a couple of hours and didn't do justice to the book like the TV production did.
Oh shaney at 6am, that would begger me up for the whole day, is she back home again now, poor thing.

I just had fish 'n' chips at a beach bar, and a lovely frappilatte sort of cold coffee whipped with ice cream, delicious!

Oh I think I am downloading the film and not the series, will go to have a look. [i]typìcal of me[i]

Rather chilly here today although the sun is out, we were cold at the beach bar, was a relief to get into a sunwarmed car. Just mending bits and bobs atm!
so why do italics work sometime and not others?
Yes ,she's back now poor old duck .I've been in and chivvied her along .
I don't need this aggro really .She really ought to be in a care home where they have hoists and stuff but she's compos mentis and flatly refuses to leave her house .Mr S is doing his biscuit and says it's not our responsibilty ,he's only thinking of me , but I can't just leave her like that .I've left a very firm message on her daughters answerphone !
Btw Neti you can get the series on DVD .Here's a run down on it .
It's wonderful and is one of my all time favourites .
morning all, I love those jeans, very clever. I will post a pic of my new troughs once they have settled, new plantings always look a bit higglety at seems like we have all had exciting times one way and another, dogs are weary today, as am I, went to town and came home with a new phone, a new scarf and a headache you could moor an oil tanker to, have eaten lunch and am waiting for the paracetamol to kick in.
I think I am downloading it at last, it runs into 3 dvds.

Mr N would be doing his biscuit as well in your case. I've done my bit of helping people, usually with no thanks. I'm lucky that here, the young folk pay for private carers for the old women round here, so all I have to do is chirrup happily to them when they are out plodding along. I am the only foreigner hereabouts so they would not want me turning up on their doorsteps with plates of curries or shep's pie or anything like that!
Hi woofy you weren't there when i posted, but then I'm not here most of the when I am posting either! Really have to get this internet nonsense sorted, so am going to take my lappy to the village and log on with their wifi and see if all is Ok. Then I will know where to start.

I'd love to be one your doggies, they have such a life!!!
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That was a bit much at such an early hour shaney. I know what you mean, we all try to do our best if we can but it isn't always easy. It's awful to say but I'm glad I backed off from my demanding neighbour when I did, since she's become even less able I'd have been running round there every five minutes. She's a little way down the row, not next door & I still chat to her on the phone...well, more often than not she talks, I listen. She too refuses to go anywhere, despite only using one room, has a team of carers/nurses traipsing through all day and she calls most of them blind.

Neti many days I feel like I'm talking to myself but it doesn't shut me up :)

I'm trying to imagine my neighbours looking out and seeing just a pair of jeans standing in my garden woofy, haha.
I think the sun is over the yardarm and it's all quiet atm so I'm having a drink !
There isn't actually any sun so I'm guessing .
well, some very nice gardens around our way. Best one was split in two by a sort of Japanese teahouse right across it; formal paving and flower beds on the house side, jungly on the other (but mostly woodchip underfoot). They got the BBC to build the teahouse for them, something to do with a Diarmahmood Gavin programme, without planning permission or anything, and now use it as their dining room. I asked them what they did if it was snowing and they said "Go to Australia".

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