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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Good afternoon each. Had to go to the Drs. in a state of panic today! She thought is was colitis and n ot IBS and has given me tablets I've had before. Had to go for a blood test after and have to go for another one in 6 weeks. If nothing has improved then I have to go to the specialist again :(
The week end was ok Saturday except for in the morning. Went to see my niece playing in her band for a Parkinsons charity that was a good night then I was up most of the night back and forward to you know where and then again last night so that's why I panicked.
My cholesterol is now down to 7 point something and she said until I feel better not to worry about what I eat. So guess who has been to Sainsburys and bought some 'sweet' and 'fatty' things.
I'm off now to cook some Pork and apple TTD sausages and mash and then after I'm having a lemony sponge cake with a sugary chrispy topping.
Keep your fingers crossed for me please.

Talkinh about forgetting things today I left my key in the front door and the door open...It was because I was putting black sacks in my boot for the tipand just drove off. Am I lucky!!Or what.

Laters 'gaters...
lobs meatballs over to Shaney, sorry I don't even do housework in my house so your chances of my cleaning for you are zero ish.

Jude if I eat more than two portions of fruit, veg or anything wholemeal in a day, I pay for it and its got worse as I get older. It doesn't give me pain or make me ill, I just spend much of the day in contemplation. Enjoy the sugar and fat.
Jude, I've got my legs crossed for you...
My doctor once told me you can eat too much fibre ,so enjoy your stodge Jude !
What's the betting it settles down with a bit of ballast in your tum .I hope so .
Take care .xx
Poor jude, I hope you get sorted soon. x

Oh shaney I have also cleaned and tidied my huge wardrobe (it'a sort of walk in if you dont try to turn around!) Sorted shoes into two laundry baskets, ones that I will defo use in the next months and some which I may or may not, and this includes two pair of boots (!!) Re hung all clothes neatly and in order, and made the meatballs and also pork sate and noodles for hija for lunch, I am plum tuckered. Will have to sort out my drawers (no jno!!) next. I am glad that I live in a small villa with no upstairs, just could not cope upping and downing all the time. Hija is off to work soon so will sit and having another guilty pleasure of Brideshead, I am a bit wary that they are gay, but prefer to think of it as innocence.
Well that's one shed tidy, all the tools (DIY) put away and the lawn mowed. Next step the ironing, not much, then a shower and knock off. Was going to do paella for dinner but lunch got delayed and I just had a yummy chicken and onion relish sandwich and strawberries. maybe i'll cook it and have a small portion then have it cold tomorrow.
What is a TTD Sausage?
Taste the Difference Neti .From Sainsburys .
You'll have to make up your own mind about Charles and Sebastian Neti .Lots of innuendo in the book leads you to believe they are gay but then again they might just have been close friends .

You'll have to come and chivvy me along a bit because I've got Picky here three nights a week for the next seven weeks as he has a local contract.
So I'll have to make pies and bldy cakes :)
Thanks Biddyfriends for your kind words and encouragement. Lemon sponge was luverleeee!! and that's the first time I've had my favourite sausage for 3 months and they were good too.
I've tried not to doze today so that I'll have a good night's sleep tonight.

I've still managed to get most of the rubbish cleared to the tip. I'm using the new blue Re-cycling bin Robi are you? I think it's great - no plastic bags for papers and cardboard anymore floating round the Close in the breeze.

What's happened to Summer then? I've put my heating on just now for the first time for ages. And a jumper.

Hope you're all ok and battling on. I'm going to have a nice soak in a bath later and early to bed. See yer later 'gater(s)
Its cooler here, what we used to call at sea "good sleeping weather" When you are out in the heat and there is no AC, its bliss to get a cool night.
what is this heat of which you speak, earthling?

Ha, I see the campaign to brighten up Derbyshire is going well

Next up: Reconfiguring the Pink District
Oh disaster has struck, my lovely reliable very old mini oven has given up the ghost, the meatballs were burned, and the oven wouldn't turn off, roaring away it was, I hope Mr N doesn't rush out and buy a replacement without me checking the size and potency.
How strange, my internet has been fine all day, fingers crossed, no cutting out.
Its a pain when a trusted bit of gear fails isn't it Neti? You can never find the same one to replace it.

I just watched a Will Smith film called I Robot. It was pretty good. Oigh oight all
obviously your remote location can only handle one thing at a time. Oven or internet?
Went to bed, couldn't sleep so got up and watched some more Brideshead, living it. Back to bed now.

Oight oight.
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Morning all...oooh, I was so tired yesterday. By early afternoon I was done in, I knew I was overdoing it on Sunday but I wanted to make the most of the fine weather. It's chilly and drizzly.

I really hope they sort you out this time Jude, are you losing weight? If you eat a lot of fibre you need to drink lots apparently or it just turns to concrete....then again it sound like you could do with some of that.

I hate it when household things give up the ghost, I miss my old zanussi washer and tefal iron...the new stuff just isn't the jno, that's put paid to my stikky-dipping and it comes out of the tap like that, it's playing havoc when I boil wash my whites.
Morning all
Watery sunshine out there .Looks as if it'll be watery water later though .
Hope you are all Ok this morning .
I'm going to brave the shops later although I may be some time .A deep hole has appeared in the road in the High St and they're baffled so it's all blocked off to traffic and pedestrians have to go the long way round .The buck is being passed from the water company to the council and back again .It's soooo exciting here :)
good morning all. we have soft rain today. Might go out later if I cba.

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