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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
1777 Answers
Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Oh why is life so difficult????
Question Author
I know neti, I don't know how I get through most days.
Just over half the hedges/shrubs cut. It needed another day but the gardener had had, not enough of me hovering behind him.

Oh crikey, they're playing my life story in music on the radio today...
♫ I'm not in lu-uv...♫

New post office's open Jude, it's a few strides nearer to us now.
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*another hour, not another day...I don't really live in Chatty house.
Why oh why does every biddy thread mention gardens or gardening ? I feel so guilty as my land is lookign really really bad with huge wild thingies springing up which look a bit like lilac but have prickly things?

When I win the big lottery, you will all be shipped over here and you will all be set to work on my land, dogs and husbands and sons and friends will be invited but they can do what they like. One of you can drive the tractor, or earth mover or whatever is needed. The we can go for drinkie poos and lully food.
shaney can make bratwurst with potato salad oooh!
I want to ask you all, when you have a person in to do plumbing, gardening, computering, so you stand near them or potter elsewhere, and offer them tea, beer whatever??? I never know what to do.
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Tarquin will sort your computer probs neti as long as he can have unlimited use of your pool...

Depends what they're doing as to whether I chat as they work...
I always ask if they'd like a drink. I've had maintenance men, gardeners etc arrive late afternoon and say no one has offered them a drink all day...or even bothered to speak to them. That's terrible.
depends. Stand over gardeners, AA men etc and try to look as if I understand what they're saying. Drainlayers, left them to it. Did provide tea and coffee but did not pay the parking fines they incurred as I TOLD them to go and check if the meter needed topping up. Builders, no, stay as far away as possible as do not wish to be roped in (but must be close enough to rush in and tell them they're doing everything wrong).
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Hope no one wanted peace and quiet today, next door have got their noisy gardener now.
Time for chicken 'n chips...early night perhaps, I'm very tired, all this tea brewing takes it's toll. :)
trying to post but internet keeps going away!

I woud love chicken and chips for dinner! Mr N is finishing up the curries and I have pork sate with fried noodles, onions, peppers and garlic. I love sate sauce. Mind you it'll give me indigestión all night.
My bathroom stinks of that spanish smell (no not the garlic) it's when it's windy and for some reason the traps empty out, so have run wáter through all the drains, in the hope it'll clear. Mind you the washing machine doesn't help and it is in constant use!
right, trip to Sainsbury's to get papers - tick.

Sitting in sun with Pimms and crisps and dip - tick.

Back inside in front of computer because a little cloud has come over - tick.

Tomorrow is the local open gardens day, so shall be out seeing what the neighbours have achieved.
Hark at Jno, not a cough in sight, well done ole girl.
Rushed through dinner and washing up and clearing away and mopping floor, rushed showering and in bed in time for BGT. Well I like it and English telly is still a novelty to me!
And TV pixellating and laptop losing signal am getting mightily fed up. Tried old laptop but can't remember password!
just tidying the kitchen, but it's hard to keep in order
It's been very dreary and cloudy all day here .Bah .
I think I overdid it yesterday and have found muscles I didn't know I had and they ache .
I never stand over people who come to do any work .I make them a cuppa and just let them get on with it ! I chat with the gardener though as he does my brothers garden and he's an old policeman too .He used to be a dog handler .
I've just watched Brideshead Revisited ,the film .It was quite good .
Oight Oight folks sleep toight .
neighbours nearby are having a party and generously sharing the music with everyone grrrrrrrr!
hoorah, blessed silence, oight oight
can't sleep, dogs can't sleep so we all got up again and have shared a punnet of strawberries. Dogs are now asleep. I am not.

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