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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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hello again headache is settling. Yes Neti we do live how we feel like here and if the dogs want to be up half the night then sleep in the next day then there is no reason to stop them if I have nothing planned for the next morning. Night hunting is done in silence so it doesn't bother the neighbours.

The garden sounds lovely jno, I wish there were pictures, I am looking for ideas of what to do with mine that will be more decorative and yet still ok for the dogs.

I just had proper afternoon tea. Ok the tea was in a mug but I had three kinds of cake, on a plate with a cake fork.

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oooh booger, this bed laundry malarkey's hard work, I think I'll buy a sleeping bag.
It turned out nice here...did a bit of pottering while the washing dried.
I love Japanese style gardens, if Dia...Dermut wants to do mine he has my permission.
I'm sitting here wondering why the potatoes are not cooking .It might help if I switched the oven on .
Ooooh not bed linen Robinia .We had new mattresses recently ,what a palaver None of my fitted sheets fitted and I had to buy new ones :)
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yes shaney, so did my sister...we spent ages marching around dunelm trying to find the deep side ones.
oh and sister again...she forgot to turn the spuds on when I went for xmas dinner....tut...such poor service. :)
I usually remember to switch the cooker on, but I always forget to switch off the burners or oven, which sets Mr N tutting.
You just can't get the staff these days :)
Am watching Brideshead but am confused, having read the plot outline it says that Ryder meets Flyte at Oxford, but the start of the film Ryder is in the army, am I watching it out of order , is it the right film or what???
Ah I think I get it, he goes back with the army, of course, revisited.
Just called in to say oight, oight after what has been a truly horrible cold grey day weatherwise. I have my thermals and a fleece on and the fire is alight. Lots of swearing ****** bleep, bleep, bleep!! Even the dog is totally fed up!
woofgang, here is a photo, not terrific as it was so dull and I have had to tart it up on Photoshop

You can see the paved part in front, and just make out the jungly bit beyond.
Thank you, I am not that rich, but its certainly given me ideas....
ooops, just seen the time, oight oight all.....
I think they probably are that rich, but the BBC was paying as she knows people in The Media. That's only one side of the pavilion, it goes on at least as long again to the right. It's got a wood-burning stove, you can see the smoke. They rent it out for dinner parties, photo shoots, classical chamber music concerts, art exhibitions, small conferences (she was handing out leaflets for all this) plus they will do the catering too. So well organised.
Good morning all, hope you are all well and thriving. I am thriving too well, I always overeat in bed on a Sunday, crusty bread, clover and golden syrup was to blame for yesterday!

Am enjoying Brideshead.

Who's is that cabin? Is it Lottie's? Lots of people have them over here, of course with the weather, we don't.
Sorry I thought Lottie had posted it.
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Morning...zzzzzzzzzz....fell asleep watching Poirot, tut, couldn't get to sleep when I went to bed, woke early, went back to I'm a zombie. Oh well, I did more than enough yesterday and it's chilly here, barely into double figures.

That's lovely jno, very peaceful, I could fall asleep in th.......zzzzz
Warmish today just pleasant, can live with this. Am shattered, decided to go for one of my walks bouncing along to my music, then I went on the ski walking machine, could hardly crawl up the hill home. Must hve a siesta now I think, I had already cleaned and hoovered the house before I went out!!
I obviously couldn't fall asleep anywhere, another short night (as tummy is rumbling like Vesuvius, unripe apricots are the cause I think), dozy morning, went back to bed and dozed some more, and am obviously going to be dozy for the rest of the week so apologies in advance for getting everything wrong.
I don't like those outhouses or conservatories. Remind me of Dad's garden shed, full of creepy crawlies.

Oh I cleaned and scrubbed abd hoovered and done the ironing, making meatballs in a minute when the mince has defrosted.

Am watching Psychic Sally On the Road, well I just do not believe her , all shrieking and shouting, although would like to go and see if they really do know anything.
where's my blooming post gone? We are having a lazy busy day here. We went out early for a long walk, had a zizz and are now doing shed and garage sorting and pottering generally. next....the ironing groan.
Hello from a dull and dreary Norfolk .What's happened to the sunshine .Perhaps Pyschic Sally can tell me .
That's a lovely garden Jno ,very neat and tidy .
I'm in zombie mode today .I laid about in bed until gone ten .How very lazy .
Can you come and clean and scrub round here please Neti and bring some meatballs while you're at it :)

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